Chapter 5 The Dream Catcher

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     I die a little more inside as I see the children safe. Because you see, safe has never quite applied for me. I don't know why it seemingly applies for large populations because it's obvious to me that no one is safe. Those who think they are safe are fools. So really it boils down to the fact that Evelyn and Mike are indeed fools and not,ever, safe.
    I walk across the cabin to the control center and switch off the Scary Ground. That one is my favorite, because though the ground isn't collapsing it seems oh so real. That is my speciality after all. Building fear, anger, and sadness over something that never happened. Just like their mother. Why, she's only sleeping upstairs.

    I give a cackle and look at the children on my screen

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    I give a cackle and look at the children on my screen. They got to what they probably assume is a safe haven. So many others that I welcomed into this game have ended their trips in this so called place. But what obstacle to give them?
    My smile grows wider. Wouldn't it be perfect to devour their weaknesses? And what makes them more weak than the fact...the fact they have not slept once. No, children their age can barely go a night without sleep. Time Capsule it is then.
    I press a switch and the change happens almost immediately. Infact, it reminds me much of the time I tempered with their younger siblings, Maya and Luke. Of course, they don't know they ever existed, but it gives a leap to my heart to think of the pain they must have caused their parents.
    "Evelyn! What's happening to the sky?"
    I look back at the screen, that would be Mike. I continue to watch as the moon goes down, the sun comes up, the clouds pass...and the moon comes back.
    "Mike...I think a day just passed."
    I smile. Evelyn has been smart this entire game. Next Evelyn collapses. One down...wait Evelyn? Why on earth was Evelyn first? It was meant to be Mike.

    I rapidly press buttons, but nothing is working on Mike

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    I rapidly press buttons, but nothing is working on Mike. He has done the one thing no one is supposed to do. He found his inner self. Darn it.
    I slump to the floor, feeling helpless for the first time in a while. Then I jumped up. More obstacles then. But I have doubts. Because Mike has embraced his true self, there is a very good chance he is immune to all my contraptions. Still, I have to try. I have to win.
    I force my eyes to focus on the screen. Mike has seemingly given up on trying to awaken Evelyn, and has her in his arms. And...if I'm not wrong he looks pretty mad. Oh well.
    I could give Polar Bears a try. Yes, what kid isn't afraid of Polar Bears? I press a button and say loudly,
    "Polar Bears on the ready?"
    I look at the screen to see a growl from many bears behind trees.
    "Polar Bears..."
    Mike is just about to walk by the trees...
    The Polar Bears zoom toward Mike, and Mike begins to run. He runs past the trees, past the cliffs, all the way to the Valley of Troubles.
    And believe me when I say it isn't called that for no reason. I watch Mike as he looks around to find no remaining Polar Bears. Slowly I watch him collapse and lay Evelyn gently on the ground.
    I'll let him rest, I decide. It won't be for long but he'll never make it where I want him to without rest.


    An hour passes before the boy gets up. Now Evelyn is up too. After a good while of questioning they make their way to a brown tinted cabin with not much furniture. This cabin also happens to be just where I want them. I smile. My plan is about to fall into place.

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