-Chapter 1-

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I sat there with the adrenaline high and my nerves low, I knew I would win this race.  It was just a matter of getting to the end already.

After another 5-10 minutes I FINALLY saw the end.  I cruised past the end and got out of my car triumphantly.  Another win under my belt.


I turned to see my best friend of 2 months standing there.  Yes yes I know, it's only 2 months but fuck off.


Before he could finish an explosion went off.

"What the fuck?"

Everyone turned around to see someone standing in the distance with multiple bombs. Their figure was tall and muscular. They looked familiar but before I could get a close look at them someone yelled.


Everyone started scrambling to get into cars. I walked up to mine and jumped in. My car was already full so I speed off to safety.

Unfortunately that didn't happen. Before I could even make it out of there another explosion went off, this time close to my car. Almost to close.

My car was suddenly flipped. Everyone in it was sent tumbling. We flipped about 6 times before the car just crashed to the ground.

Before I blacked out completely, I saw someone coming to me. It wasn't the guy from earlier, I couldn't exactly see them, I blacked out before they came into my line of vision.

—————time skip—————

I woke up in a strange room. It looked like a hospital room but in no way was I actually in a hospital.

I sat up to look around and I saw multiple of my friends around me. Most of them had cast on or something wrapped.

My head started to pound so I brought my hand up to touch it. As I did someone came up to me.

"You might not want to do that, you might break the stitches."

They had blonde bar pulled into pigtails on the side of their head.

"Where am I?"

She looked at me and smiled. She seemed kind of young maybe a year or 2 younger than me.

"Before we get into that, what's the last thing you remember?"

I thought for a minute.

"Well I remember being in a race and I just got to the finish line when an explosion went off, we started to drive away when the car was flipped, then a man was walking towards me."

She looked me in the eyes almost as if she was checking to make sure I wasn't lying.

"Did you happen to see the man who set off the explosion?"

"N-no, they were too far away for me to see them."

She cursed under her breath and continued giving me a checkup.

"You might want to stay in bed, you got some pretty mean injuries."

"Ok, and do you know when I can get up?"

"Well if you want I can come get you for dinner, it should just be us there."

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but return one.

"That sounds great thank you!"

"Please, call me Toga."

"I'm Rose."


AN: so I know I'm late but shhh, I had no motivation. Also yes there will be some changes in the characters but trust the process. Anyways, Happy reading!

Word count: 573

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