Encounter 1. By Author

648 16 31

Alright, here we go i guess..

It was night-time and I was thirsty. I got up from my bed and slowly walked down to my door, it was a warm night, yet i could feel something cold around me. As I opened my door everything was sound and clear.

As i took a few steps forward, I noticed a small, yet tall figure wearing a green hat, green clothes and red eyes.

I got scared so I quickly rushed downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and as I drank some water, I felt calm again.

When i was ready to go back to my bedroom, I walked up the stairs and looked in my parents' bedroom. It was still there. The figure was there. This time, smiling at me.

I got scared again and my heart started racing like crazy. I finally ran to my bedroom and God could only care if I made a noise and woke people up. I honestly wanted it go be gone. Once I got back in my bed, I finally fell asleep.


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