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The next morning

Noone's Pov

Tanjiro woke up pretty early in the morning, He got out of bed and then just couldn't believe his eyes "huh? what's this all about" He said in Schock, He Saw Zenitsu and Inosuke sleeping and cuddling together, Tanjiro Giggled
"well but they can't sleep forever we have to get ready" he said to himself.

Tanjiro then threw a pillow at both of them to wake them up. "my apology but you guys should get up I'll be waiting at the table!" he said, picked up his box with nezuko still sleeping in it and got out of the room.

Inosuke's Pov

"This good damn bastard I'll swear I'LL BRING HIM DOWN FOR THAT!!" I said loudly, After that i could hear Zenitsu grumble i guess i just woke him up by being so loud, {wait- ZENITSU?! right..} i thought to myself {i remember last night, so we've been like this the whole time-}

he looked up at me, my arms still around him all i did was look at his eyes for a while, and my face started feeling pretty warm. 

Zenitsu's Pov 

i was sleeping pretty good but suddenly woke up from a loud noise, I opened my eyes and realized it was inosuke yelling. I also noticed i was laying on his chest

{Oh god i wanted to move away before i fall asleep and he'll notice I'm so dead after this-. AH! HE WILL THINK I'M A CREEP!} I thought to myself then slowly looked up at Inosuke. i looked at his emerald green eyes- i noticed his arms wrapped around me and just knew i started to blush like crazy
{W-Why are his arms around me??! He isn't pushing me away either what the-} i was confused and embarrassed at the same time. 

Noone's Pov

Both of them are just looking at Eatchother, Inosuke then noticed that the blonde was getting red and heated up.

Inosuke didn't focus on the other things right now he saw Zenitsu get red and touched his forehead "You're so warm and red, Have you gotten sick?!" He said. he doesn't know really know much about getting stuff like that, just that if someone heats up they're sick. 

Zenitsu Blushed even more when The Blue haired just randomly touched him "HUH? Sick?! I'm not sick what are you talking about?!" he said

"But you're red" Inosuke answered to him "THAT DOESN'T HAVE TO MEAN I AM SICK" Zenitsu Answered loudly. "It's called being Embarrassed idiot! God you really don't know anything about other humans" 

Inosuke Laughed a bit "Embarrassed?" "But You're the one who got on top of me at night and just slept here" He said playfully.

"IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE I CAN'T CONTROL MY MOVEMENT'S AT NIGHT OKAY?!" Zenitsu said Being Completely embarrassed and got up from Inosuke "AND YOU WE'RE HUGGING ME- What was that even about?!" He said and looked away from him.

Inosuke got up and was sitting on his bed thinking about why he actually did wrap his arms around him last night. "It just felt nice" He answered completely honest. Then stretches his arms and got out of bed "Don't Stand here Like a lost person Tanjiro is already waiting" Inosuke said and then walked out of the room to sit at the table to eat.

Zenitsu's Pov

"Because it felt nice?-.." He repeated to himself inosukes words, The Blonde couldn't really believe what he heard  {I'm sure he would've pushed me away and yell at me for being a creep because of what i did- but he- He liked it?!} He thought and put his hands on his face

{Does he- like me?.. or do i like him? This guy is making me go crazy, But he's a Guy?!! I'm not into guys Hah obviously!!, but just.. His pretty face it made me feel weird since we've met and.. am i- in love with him?} I thought and shook my head quickly , I got ready and also went to eat,

As always Inosuke is eating alot even Takes some Of Tanjiros food
I sat down at the table next to Inosuke "Goodmorning Zenitsu!" said Tanjiro with a smile "I just responded with a morning, {I can't belive He saw me with Inosuke like that it's embarrassing!-} he thought 

Noones Pov 

The Trio was normally sitting and eating this to get ready for the day. It's Raining outside not the best weather to go hunt for demons.

"Soo you're not gonna say anything about what happened?" Tanjiro said while laughing a bit. Inosuke got a little tense "What the fuck are you trying to say?! Can't even let me eat in piece without Talking God damnit Gonpachiro" He said and just stopped eating at all. Tanjiro answered "Well having a conversation with others while eating makes the food taste better!, Zenitsu signed "Can't it just happen that i wasn't sleeping well and moved closer to Inosuke? there's literally no big story about it" the blonde answered

Inosukes Pov

I just looked at the table thinking {why do i suddenly feel so weird like disappointed?- Haha!! Like what the hell was i expecting I really must be sick or something.. i mean i enjoyed Zenitsu being that close to me AgH! I Shouldn't be keep thinking about him} i thought and then suddenly got up full with energy "AHHHH!" I yelled "HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO SIT HERE WHAT'S WITH DEMON FIGHTING I WANT TO SHOW THEM HOW STRONG I AM"  I want to go fighting instead of sitting here and get other Thoughts.

Noone's Pov

Tanjiro looked up at Inosuke "You know we still have to rest, we all still have some broken ribs especially you Inosuke. I know you don't like that you Could go outside and practice there a little but it's also raining you should wear Something warm around your chest to not get sick" He said 

"BULLSHIT!" Inosuke answered "YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO TELL ME I DECIDED TO GO OUT   ON    MY   OWN" He said and grabbed his swords and Stomped outside.

Zenitsu watched inosuke go outside and then just layed his head on the table
making a loud sigh, "Hey Tanjiro?" Tanjoro answered "Mmh! what's up?"

The Blonde moved his head and asked "In the mountains you sure must've had alot of friends and people around you, Did you ever have had a Crush on a girl?- Like how was that.. i always fucked up on the girls but i just followed them and asked them out if i find them cute not actually being in love or anything"  he signed and was a bit Embarrassed but also seemed upset asking that. it's true Zenitsu knows alot about love but isn't really sure how it feels like.

Tanjiro smiled at Him and answered "Oh wow that's a good question! it's been a while for me but I'd say. Being in love is when there's this one person You can't stop thinking about, You get all nervous and your head gets hot talking with them. You also start falling in love with the smile of that person and their voice you just Want to be close to that Person forever and they make you happier than anything else in the world! well the same was with my family i Always love them they're with me all the time That's the Love i focus on! it gives me strength and hope just like Nezuko She's all i have as family and of course you guys my friends!,     I hope that helped you Zenitsu!" 

Zenitsu just felt how his heart stopped after hearing what Tanjiro said...

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