~Daytime~ I know what i want

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Zenitsu's Pov

There were so many thoughts going around my head after hearing what Tanjiro said. {So it's really like that} I thought to myself {I'm in love with the boar Inosuke.. no doubts, that yesterday it just felt so good to me because i love him. He made me feel home,  Funny that i always thought I'll end up marrying a cute girl because that's what they all do right? but noone ever made me feel like he does. When I'm close to him it feels like my heart is bursting out my chest i don't get nervous like normally when I'm scared it's different.} 

"Thank you Tanjiro Your words were really sweet! I will go out get some fresh air too now!" I grabbed my kimono jacket and went out into the rain. {where's inosuke-?} i asked myself, I walked up a small mountain near the house, There were alot of trees i could imagine him to be here somewhere. And then my luck, I saw him And walked up to him

Noone's Pov

It wasn't raining as much as before So The Rain didn't really bother Zenitsu that much, Inosuke was standing Next to a tree. his expression couldn't really be shown but he wasn't wearing his boar head anymore since the Old lady said she'll wash it for him. He was pretty wet from being outside the whole time and just stood there.  

Zenitsu walked over to him "Hey Inosuke?" he said nervously "It's not Really that good being in the rain for so long, i don't want you to get sick you know?"  

Inosuke turned his head away from him quickly "I said i want to be alone" He said, you couldn't assign his voice correctly it sounded angry but also sad. "I've been alone all the time why would a little rain bother me?! 

Zenitsu didn't know what to say The mad voice of Inosuke towards him scared him {Does he hate me or anything-? did i do anything wrong-?} the blonde asked himself "But you don't have to be alone anymore! i-i- i mean I'm here and Tanjiro"

Inosuke's voice got louder "I don't care, I never asked to stay with you guys anyways" he wasn't quite sure why he said that the blue haired just knew he was pissed off that he couldn't stop thinking about zenitsu not sure why, and what zenitsu said inside there just made him get mad. 

Zenitsu's Pov

I felt how i started shaking after hearing that, my voice became shaky and sad and i feel a tear running down my cheek "But i wanted you to be here with me.." i said to him, I decided to just Run away from him to the small beach near me, I was just hurt and wanted to be alone it wouldn't make sense talking to him more Anyways.

{Wow this happening I'm cold it's wet and i even forgot my jacket there, What was i thinking i came in the wrong time and he's mad at me. Stupid boar why did i even had hope that he'd like me. } i thought and just sat down next to a tree watching the water flow.

Inosuke's Pov 

"be here with me?-.. " i said to myself after seeing Zenitsu leave {Why did i overreacted over a little thing again i wanted to be alone with him but scare him away..} "IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT" Inosuke Yelled and punched against the tree "why did he almost cry anyways-" i shook my head and saw his jacket laying on the ground, I Picked it up and held it against him "his smell is on it-" i said still holding the jacket tight i looked around and didn't really see Zenitsu so i put on his jacket and looked around and searched for him.  

after some time i saw him on the beach and walked over to him not { I'm really sure what i should say i just know I've hurt him and i want him to know it wasn't on purpose i said these things because i was angry and.. maybe even because i didn't want to loose him Ugh He's messing with my mind again}

Zenitsu's Pov

"Z-Zenitsu? " said inosuke, I first thought i was imagining things but of course it's him he Still has trouble saying names normally when he's in a rush or something happens suddenly, at least he actually knows my name not like Tanjiro's.

I turned around to see inosuke standing there, "What why he's standig there didn't he want me to go away?! a-aND WHY IS HE WEARING MY JACKET?!" i thought to myself, Zenitsu was Confused but also Glad to see inosuke there. "Why did you came to me-?" i asked inosuke,

{To be honest i didn't want to talk about what just happened i don't want to imagine him being angry at me i really just want to hug him and i want to be in his arms.} he thought to himself 

Noone's Pov 

Inosuke still didn't got an answer from Zenitsu so he sighs and says it again "Zenitsu?"  Zenitsu didn't know what to say he just came closer to Inosuke  hugged him tight and buried his face in his chest  "Inosuke I'm sorry if i made you hate me or mad"

The Blue haired slightly blushed he didn't expect that and after being this tense he really needed that, So he put his arms around him and hugged the blonde back.  "You're an idiot, I don't hate you" He said, Zenitsu moved away from the hug a bit and looked at Inosuke "But you seemed like it- why did you say that thing then?" Zenitsu Answered confused 

Inosuke let go of him and said "I don't know i was just angry and confused i have no idea what's going on with me okay?! I just am thinking about you alot actually- so you wanted to know is that an explanation enough?!"  Zenitsu smiled a bit and came closer to Inosuke "eh? and what have you been thinking" 

Inosuke looked a bit nervous "You already asked something I won't follow your orders! What am i?!" He said slightly tense.  Zenitsu took his hand and looked at him "You're someone i am in love with" he said and pulled him into a kiss without thinking about his action too long.

Inosuke's Pov 

Zenitsu Pulled me to him and kissed me, He started blushing and didn't except that at all. My heart started racing and I felt weird but in a good way, I've never kissed anyone but i was just going with it and kissed him back, after some time he pulled away from the kiss and just looked at him, "I love you too Zenitsu.."

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