normal people

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a/n: hello! so i wanted to finish this story, but i didn't like where it was going, so i deleted the last few chapters, and this is the last chapter now :( you might want to reread the last few chapters before reading this part, because now this chapter picks up right where we left off the last chapter (prisoner) it feels so good to finally come back to this and give it a proper ending, instead of leaving it unfinished and at a confusing place. i wanted to wait until i really knew how i wanted to end this. if you've stuck around since the beginning or just binge read everything, thank you <3

inspo: normal people, joji


Tell me if I'm mad, there's something in your laugh that makes me fear the way you smile...

Billie's POV:

It all happened so fast. I know my plans are always far-fetched and dangerous, but for the most part, it worked out. I had her for so long, we hid and we ran and killed all just to find a way to stay together.

A haircut didn't disguise her well enough, I don't know why I thought it would. I don't know why I thought I could have a career and a contraband soulmate.

Hannah stuck close to Finneas walking into the venue, kept her head down, snuck in with the crowd during the first show. I couldn't see her but I felt that she was there. But, I risked it. After the show, in the tour bus, I brought her to my bunk, fell asleep next to her.

My manager came early in the morning, pushed open the curtain to wake me up, keeping a close watch on me. We didn't even make it past one day. If I could've thought more clearly, made a better plan, thought of all the ways we could've got caught, we wouldn't be here now.

"We didn't want to have to do this, Billie. If you would've just waited until the end of the tour without seeing her, this all could've been prevented," my manager sighs like it influences him, like this is his life that's falling apart.

I pull against the restraints tied to my wrists, what I would do to not be seen as a danger to society. They want my music but they don't want me.

They signed the contracts for me, reading it aloud to me strapped into the chair. They have a new experimental medicine that relieves the side effects of losing your soulmate, but that, that I could live with. The part I can't live with is the amnesia, I'll lose all my memories of her, she'll forget me and I'll forget her.

"I'm sorry, okay? Just give me the part of the medicine that relieves the side effects, I'll do the rest of the tour as planned, and I can see Hannah when it's all done! Okay? Please?" I try to fight my way out of this, pleading with my eyes. He shakes his head.

"This has gone on too long, we tried to be reasonable. You should see this as a good thing Billie, you'll finally be free of your pain, and you can focus on your career!" he tries to twist this.

And, I start to think about it. What if he's right? I'll stop fighting, stop running just to preserve my relationship.

The longer that we hide, everything starts to hit me harder...

But I push that away. The only reason we had to run and hide was because others decided that for us, that we were condemnable, a mistake. We fought to exist, we did everything we could. Yes, my love clouded my judgement, but if we were seen as normal people, nothing would've been an issue in the first place. I wish we were normal people.

"Bring it in, better to get this over with now," he waves at the door and two people in white coats, masks over their noses and mouths come in with a tray of syringes.

"Wait! What's gonna happen to Hannah?" I beg for information, to stall a little bit longer, hoping Hannah fought off people is on her way with a gun to kill everyone and save us.

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