Chapter 2

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15 minutes later

Issei ran as fast as he could. His destination, Kuoh College Division. However, he heard a voice inside of his head.

Ddraig: [Partner? What happened? Why are you running? Are you being chased by the girls of your school again...]

Ddraig talked to him mentally, tiredness present in his voice.

Issei stopped running and looked at his left hand, more specifically the reverse of his palm.

A green circle shining in a dull, green light was right on the reverse of his palm.

Issei: Ddraig!

He was happy.

Issei: Partner is good to hear you, I did not hear of you in the entire day. But the conversation needs to be postponed, right now, I have something I need to do!"

Surprised by the severity in the tone of voice of his partner, Ddraig understood. Something must be, or will go wrong.

Ddraig: [Okay Partner. But I will stay awake for now to see what exactly happened! Whatever you need, just talk, I'll be there.]

Ddraig solemnly answered.

Issei:(Thanks pall. I'll explain things to you as soon as I am done!)

Continuing his run, Issei decided to take a shortcut through the park. Maybe that way he can catch up to them.

Running like he just stole something, he swiftly went through the park and after a couple of minutes of running, he finally saw the ORC a few meters up ahead.

He watched how the girls said their goodbyes to Rias and Akeno, something he found odd.

Issei:(When did they start to accompany them? Why did they do it? Simple courtesy... or something else? Maybe they have something to do here?)

Shaking his head he left those thoughts for another time.

Issei then followed Rias and Akeno inside their College.

Ddraig was quiet, but he was thinking the same as his Partner. Being a millennia-old Dragon he knew something was off. Experience is the greatest teacher and right now he felt something bad will happen to his Partner, something really bad.

Before Issei, a big metal gate made its appearance as the entrance door, having a rather rusty and broken look to it. Walls of bricks were at either side of the gate all covered in moss, symbolizing that they were old.

Looking beyond the gate one could see a big building in the furthermost part of the complex, and alongside it, many smaller buildings which could be the other fraternities of the College were present.

However, not a single student was outside, and thanks to that getting in was quite easy, no problem at all.

Walking past the gate, he looked at the backs of the two women he was looking for, but instead of running as fast as he could towards them, he decided to follow them. Something about them felt... weird.

Issei continue his chase and it was 5 pm Friday Then he saw the building style looking like it come out from oxfords and British

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now