✿Chapter 10✿

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Midoriya's POV

I was chilling in my dorm when Uraraka rushed in. She seemed a little frantic but a lot has happened to her, so i understood.
"Hey Deku!" She said.
"Oh hi Uraraka. What do you need?" I replied.
"Um well I heard you and Aoyama were official now and maybe you could take Aoyama out for lunch maybe? It'll totally help your relationship!" She explained.
"Oh uh thats a great idea Uraraka! I'll ask him right away!" I was a little caught off guard by her sudden piece of advice but she's probably owing it to Aoyama after being saved by him. I hugged her, grateful for the advice.
"N-no problem. And take your time! Its better when you make it last longer." She replied.
So I went over to Aoyama's room.
"Hey Aoyama, do you wanna go out for lunch? The weather's nice, and I don't wanna stay cooped up in here." I asked.
"Ouí, you know I'd never turn down a chance to be with you chéri." He said.
"Ok then! Lets head out." I took his hand and led him out the dorms. I heard Uraraka running, but I didn't really mind. Neither did Aoyama.
We walked out to town and saw a sushi place nearby. We decided to go in.
The waitress greeted us and took us to our tables and gave up our menus. I was starving.
"Hmmm, what should we eat?" I thought out loud.
"Your choice." Aoyama said sweetly. He's such an angel.
After several minutes of deciding, I chose the raw tuna and salmon sushi. Their were six rolls for tuna and six rolls for salmon, so we'd have enough. Aoyama didn't seem to mind, and was willing to try the raw fish. After ordering, a waitress came.
"Can I get you any drinks?" She asked us.
"Ouí, can we get two tall glasses of water, light ice, a slice of lemon, and some mint leaves?" Aoyama replied. He can be a bit extra sometimes, but thats what i love about him.
"Of course." She said.
"Mercí mademoiselle." He thanked the waitress.
"Ok and what would you guys like to order if you are ready?" She asked.
"The raw tuna and salmon sushi combo please. With extra teriyaki sauce." I said politely.
"Coming right up." She replied, and walked to get our food.
After she left, we started to talk about our plans for the future. I talked about my dream to become just like All Might and be the number one hero, while Aoyama just wanted to be nothing more than a well-known pro.
After ten minutes, our food arrived. We tackled our chopsticks and began eating. Aoyama hesitantly put the raw salmon in his mouth. I thought we was gonna pretend to like it because I do, as he has done before, but he genuinely enjoyed it. I chuckled.
"Here try this. I think you might like it." I fed him the tuna roll this time, and we both blushed a bit as he ate the roll off my chopsticks.
"Mm this is delicious!" Aoyama said, along with some french words that he uses when in excitement.
"Hehe. Oh. Aoyama, you've got something on your mouth." I took a napkin and gently wiped the teriyaki sauce off his lip. He chuckled as I felt my face get hot. We talked more about hero agencies and settling down in the future again. Aoyama was such a good listener as I explained my plans and ideas. He was actually interested in my words. Another thing I love about him. After a while my mouth started to get dry, and i went to get a sip of my drink but I ran out.
"Seems like I dont have any more water. I'll ask the waitress for a refill." I said.
"Oh here cherí. You can have a sip of mine." He said, offering his glass to me.
I took a sip from his glass, blushing yet again. Aoyama really has a good heart. After finishing our food, we decided to head back to the dorms.
As we walked, I look deep breath of the fresh air. I was glad to be in this weather with Aoyama. I truly felt happy with him. We walked into the hugs dorm building and went up the elevator to our floor. I gave Aoyama a quick kiss before going to my room.
"Bye Aoyama. Love you." I said.
"Je t'aime aussi." He replied.

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