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    "My lady, we shouldn't be doing this." the handmaid whispered softly. She was younger than lady Margaery, her being 13 to her mistresses' 15, of lower birth, yet of greater common sense- at least back then.

The pair were at present staring down a deck of tarot cards that Margaery commanded Maeve go out and purchase the previous day. They were in their dressing gowns, the only light other than the moon illuminating their shared quarters being a small candle that sat on the mahogany table in front of them.

"The God's wouldn't like this-"

"I am your God," The lady suddenly snapped back, sick of being chastised by her lower born friend, "You reside on my family's land, the clothes on your back bought by me, the food in your stomach? mine. The bed you share with me? Mine-"

The Tyrell girl suddenly stopped her tangent upon seeing Maeve's melancholic expression. She smiled softly, reaching out to grab her hand.

"I'm sorry, Maeve, truly- I just, I- I can't stand not knowing my own destiny, can you honestly not say the same?"

Maeve shook her head slowly, looking down in shame; in truth, she was curious. Not only did she want to know her future, she so desperately wanted to know her past. You see, the girl was taken in at a young age by the Tyrell's after her entire (albeit) small house burned down, killing everyone inside its walls, aside from her and a servant. The girl was the sole heir to house Bumblebright, a moderately wealthy house who produced most of the beeswax Candles' and honey throughout the seven kingdoms.

She knew in truth the Tyrell's hadn't just taken her in out of kindness, to some degree they did it out of greed. House Bumblebright was an old house, which of course possessed many lands. Profitable, lands. Maeve was a girl, thus, a bargaining chip for the Tyrell's to use as they wanted. Whomever they decided to marry her off to would inherit all of the fortune and lands that went along with the young lady's name. But currently? her only job was to attend to the young girl who sat in front of her.

The task wasn't a horrible one in the slightest. Normally, the lady Margaery was quite kind toward her, and the pair were inseparable. Maeve was known throughout High Garden simply as "The Lady's Shadow," or "Lady Margarey's Honey" both names the girl felt quite indifferent towards. But as of late, Margaery had been quick to snap, not just at her, but nearly everyone around her.

With that, the Tyrell girl gave her younger counterpart her signature smirk. "Well then, let us begin; I'll read you first, then you may read me."

Margaery  shuffled the gold trimmed deck thoughtfully with her eyes shut before passing the deck to Maeve to choose.

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