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Maeve was hurt. Normally, the two girls would spend nearly every waking moment together; going on walks in the garden, accompanying Loras on hunts (though Lord Tyrell greatly protested), playing hide and seek with the younger Tyrell cousins, and even sometimes swimming (albeit, under the protection of night without the knowledge of anyone else)

But Maeve found herself alone for the first time in a long while, spending most of her day in the grand library reading every history book she could find. They kept her busy, and her mind sharp.

Lady Tyrell's mood suddenly came to a sharp halt about a week and a half later, with her slamming open the doors to the library with the biggest grin Maeve had ever seen on her face. "Mae! Come quick! Garlan is back from King's Landing!"

Garlan Tyrell; Margarey's oldest (living) brother had finally returned after 2 years away, squiring for Lord Fossoway. He was 17, strong, handsome, and kind from what she could remember. He would play the high harp occasionally for the two younger girls, and tell them funny stories.

Maeve grinned, excited at the prospect of being reunited with a good friend, (though not nearly as excited as Margaery) and ran giddily with her lady to the entry way of the castle.

"Margarey! Darling, come give your favorite brother a hug right now" demanded Garlan, a genuine smile suddenly taking over his entire face and stretching to his piercing blue eyes. Loras gasped in shock, putting his hand over his heart in mock offense.

"Do not confuse our dear sister!" he cried as Margaery jumped into her elder brothers arms, "We are both her favorites!"

Maeve laughed, elbowing loras in the ribs. "I believe her opinion depends on the day, my Lords."

Garlan's eyes met hers, and they widened for a brief moment before coming back to normal, as he put his sister back on the ground and made his way over to her.

"Maeve, you have grown very much since I last saw you."

Before Maeve could respond, she felt a pair of lips on her cheek and found herself turning red. "You have too, my lord." she whispered thoughtfully.

Little did the younger girl know, she was not the only one red faced in the room. While her face had flushed out of embarrassment, another one had out of jealousy. 

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