Song X

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I feel like, deep inside me, I feel lonely and it hurts so bad.

Like I miss someone, but I hate that person because he makes me feel like this.

I feel like my heart wants to cry out something that I don't understand.

[Insert song: Euterpe] (A/N: I advice you, to listen the song, it's really nice , lyrics by: Amanda Lee)

"Wild flower blossoming

I beg of you,

Tell me this so I know too

Why do people fight?

They all act as if it's right

Don't they know that's no way to live?

Valiant flower blossoming

What can you see when you look down on me?

Why can't people say that they're sorry for the way,

That they fought, I thought we once could...

When the sky has cleared and rains have passed,

I still won't forget the past

You are not alone on your own

I remember you back then

Trembling in front of me

Crying deep inside,


"" Then someone said behind Iona that made her quickly turn around "How do you know that song?" "'s"

She saw Shu standing behind her, eyes filled with tears and shock.

"I-Inori is that you?" Shu asked the one who sang, reassuring if what he thought was right.

"Shu" is what Iona could utter, still shocked of Shu's presence. Dissapointed, after hearing Inori's name.

"Inori?" Shu asked once more, hoping it was Inori he was now facing. Tears escaped from his sightless eyes.

"Watashi wa,...I-Iona" Iona said, also unsure of what she said.

After hearing what she said, his hopes were shattered,dissapointed,hoping for his lovers name to be heard.

"I see,..I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you were..." Shu said turning around,and about to leave

Shu,.Please stay! Don't leave me!!!! That was what Iona's heart was crying out,but she could not utter a word.

Before Shu could leave, she held the tip of his shirt, making him stop from leaving


Shu turned around to face her, imagining Iona's face of Inori's,asking him to stay by her side.

Shu sat beside beside Iona, silence filled the air as the cold sea breeze swept on their faces.

"How did you become blind, Shu?" Iona asked

Devating whether he would tell the truth or not, Shu thought before he could answer. "It was an accident...that's all"

"Ne- , tell me about yourself" Shu asked,seeming to face the distant setting sun.

"Why?" Iona asked facing Shu,. Why would someone like him want to know someone like me? A stranger.

"You are so mysterious. I want to know you,...since we're already friends,right?" Shu said with a faint smile ,still facing the distance.

Friends? I think we should never be friends, because you and me,are not fit to be friends. But, why do I want to be with you? Why? Iona thought before she could start of.

"I did not know my name back then. I did not know who I was. All I know,was that I was once human..." As Iona said those, she flashed back the days of her pain. Memories started to flood her head. The painful memories she had kept for so long.

"I was once a human...but there were these monsters who destroyed me. They kept me locked up in a dark cage. Chains and scars filled me. They tortured me and treated me like an experiment.

Every day, they would drag me out of that cage, strap me to machineries and experiment me. Volts of electicity fired at me, countless needles every day, and litres of toxins injected in me.

I couldn't sleep at all as those toxins flowed inside me. Wounds sting with pain. I always thought,..'what did I do to deserve this? What are they doing to me? Who am I?'

But one day, I lost my sanity and grew mad, I didn't knew I become a monster back then, I lashed my way out of that hell of a place. I reached the outside world and beame free, power had exceed my limit, I was going to crumble and fade,...when He helped me. He took me in and named me,tamed me and trained me. I am what I am today because of him. I owe my soul to him." Why am I saying all of this to him,!? I shouldn't be sharing my past to anybody besides Kai!! What am I doing!!?? Iona thought, confused after what she had just said.

But to her surprise, Shu hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had such a painful past..." Shu said as he faced Iona's face.

"I..I...don't tell anyone, Shu." Iona said after she recovered from her shock.

Shu broke the hug and returned to face the seemed setting sun.

" I had a painful past back then. I was left by so many of my loved ones. I did not know the truth...well,. *sigh* Past is past"

"My goal is to, bring an end to the life who stopped my masters plan...because if he hadn't stopped my master's plan,..I wouldn't have been a monster by now,. I would have still been a human,if it were'nt for him. Those people created me a monster to finish what my master has body is a vessel for her" Iona said those words, as she beared a dark glim on her face.

"I don't understand" Shu said still baffled by what she said.

"Well, how can you understand, when my pain is far nothing from yours" -Iona

"You may be right,..but in my view,.revenge has brought me a greater pain...well that depends."

Both of them were speechless after that. Until...

"Seeing your blind state, I suggest you better head home before it turns dark" Iona said as she turned back and prepare to leave

"Dark? I am used to living in darkness, whether be it day or night,. My eyes will be dark" -Shu

"Till we meet again" Shu said,after she heard Iona walk away.

A few meters away, Iona had heard what Shu had said, I hope we never meet again, I don't want to open my heart to you much more.

After their incounter, Shu decided to head back home to his summer house where Ayase and the others waited.

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