Chapter 1: A Red Ribbon

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"Ho ho ho, merry Christmas, young lady!" I hear behind me, as I step over a big pile of snow. Snow that doesn't fit with my high heels.
I didn't mean to put on high heels today – the first day of snow this winter – but I had to. You see, these high heels gave me confidence. Or so it felt like. And I need that more than ever today.

But before heading on with my day, I need to step by my favorite place on earth: "Warm&Cosy". Which is honestly true; this place is both warm and cosy. It's not only my favorite place on earth, but also my fix for my coffee addiction.

As I step in, I hear the bells over me, giving their usual "cling-cling" sound. Ah. What a familiar sound.

"Hey, Isabella!" I hear Jake from his place behind the desk. He's smiling brightly.
I throw my bag over to him and he manages to grab it, before I sway myself over the desk.
"You know, usually our customers ORDER their drinks..." he starts, but I cut him off: "We both know I am no near usual, Jake. We go over this every morning"
He laughs and places my bag behind him. Then he bends down, taking out something.
"What's that?" I ask, trying to get a glimpse of what he's holding.
"A surprise" he smiles brightly.
"I hate surprises, and you know that" I say. After coming here for two years, everyday, he knows me well. And therefore, he must know not to surprise me with anything.
"You'll like this one" he goes on, smiling even bigger.
I roll my eyes, turn around and find my ingredients for my coffee. I look out of the corner of my eye to see what could possible be a surprise on this grey, cold morning.

I sigh, "Jake, I don't need surprises this morning. I'm nervous about today, you know that"
I turn around and face him. He smiles a little, "I know. Figured this could help."
He takes my hand and ties a thick red ribbon around my hand.
"Merry Christmas" he whispers, "this will make you do great today!"
I look at the ribbon and touch it gently, "thank you, Jake. I needed that."
He smiles, "now, move away so I can fix your usual order. After all, you are my customer"
I shake my head while I giggle a little at him and look for some sprinkles to put on top of my coffee cream.
"Wait," Jake says, and walks by me, bending down to pick up something, "I've got red and white sprinkles right here" he says, looking for them. "Here they are! More Christmassy, right?"
We hear new customers enter with the little "ding-ding" sound, and both look up.
"Let me finish my order, and you can take their order" I offer. He smiles and greets the new customers.



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