Chapter 2: Surprises

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After they had arrived at Hogsmeade station, Jimin said goodbye to Jihyun, who was quite baffled as to why he couldn't come along with them. Jimin had just winked at him and told him it would be a fun surprise. He remembered how in awe he had been at the start of his first year when they went to Hogwarts in the little boats...

"All first years, come with me!" the three heard as soon as Jin had left. They looked in Hagrid's direction and realized they had to go with him. Were they going on a boat with...Hagrid? And all the first years?
"That boat sure as hell must be big," Taehyung said, to which Jungkook chuckled.

"Hyung, we're not going by just one boat. We're all going by multiple small boats!"

"Hagrid on a small boat? That can't be good either," Jimin said, shaking his head at the thought. He just hoped they were going to stay dry and not fall into the water. He wasn't very fond of water anymore after all.

"Hey there, boys!" Hagrid exclaimed happily upon seeing the three walking through the crowd. "How's everybody?"

"We're awesome." Taehyung grinned. "We're going to see a talking hat!"

Jimin smiled at the memory, though it fell slightly when he realized that Taehyung wasn't there with them right now. He worried for the boy. He wasn't always on time, no, but he would never be late for the Hogwarts Express! That time they were late in their first year was entirely Jimin's fault.

After seeing Jihyun off, the boys walked up to the carriages that would bring them to Hogwarts and Jimin looked at Hoseok, Jin, and Jungkook in confusion when they greeted the carriage. They'd done that at the beginning of their second year too. Taehyung had so too. It was very confusing...

Jimin hadn't asked them about it before, maybe it was just some particular quirk of them to greet the self-pulling carriages. But now he was in a rather curious mood, so he went to sit down next to Jin and leaned closer to him, whispering in a hushed tone. 

"Yo, Jin-hyung, why did you greet the carriage?"

He was met with laughter almost immediately and he blushed in shame. Had he asked something stupid? Oh god... he hated embarrassing himself, mostly because his friends would never let him forget it. 

"I didn't greet the carriage, Jimin-ah." Jin laughed. "I greeted the horses pulling it."

Jimin's eyes widened and he stared at the front of the carriage. He didn't see any horses. Was he... becoming partially blind? What was going on? Were they pulling a prank on him?

It clicked. Right! Obviously, they were pulling a prank on him.

"Dude, I'm not buying that. There's no horse, the carriages pull themselves. I've heard Yoongi-hyung talk about it before. It's been like that since forever."

"What? No, there are horses... what are you- yah, Yoongi," Jin called out to the boy sitting opposite of them. Yoongi looked up with a rather annoyed look on his face. He'd been reading quietly and Jin had obviously interrupted him.

"If you're going to tell me my hair looks weird one more time I will turn you into a grey-haired toad," the newly dyed blonde-haired boy growled out.

"Toads don't have hair- I mean, no, that's not what I- forget it. Jimin here thinks the carriages pull themselves and that he heard that from you. What's that all about?"

Yoongi's annoyed frown turned into a look of confusion and he too stared at the front of the carriage that had already started moving.

"That's right, they have always pulled themselves. This is my fourth year, remember."

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