Epilogue: The End.

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A year has passed....

Let's see what is currently happening in the multiverse, shall we?


*With the keepers*

Paperjam and Gradient are both keepers of the balance. They take turns on who is on patrol duty and checking duty.

Patrol duty is the physical interference on the universes to keep them in check.

Checking duty is just looking through their codes.. this is done when the AU isn't stable or sane.

As much as possible though, they have to check the AUs personally.

*With the sanses council*

The council decided to break their group..
well what was left of them,

most originals transferred to neutral anyways, (even before Error's departure)

they either changed their mind or just didn't care at all.

As long as their world is fine,

most sanses are chugging a bottle of condiment on Grilliby's.

*With Ink..*

He is still trying to learn more on his soul though.. He once and then visits Dream.. for some reason,

he didn't see Blue at all,

Carrot said he now lives somewhere else, that he planned it a long time ago... trying to be independent.

Ink believed that since Blue was trying to show others that he isn't a child that need to be taken care of....

Totally Blue.

Ink didn't bother to ask where he lives, probably because Blue hates him now since Error left for good.

Ink also noticed that the Anti-void was locked.. Probably by Nightmare or Error, trying to preserve what was left of them.

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