3| Here?

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"Are you sure you don't want to come tonight?" Annie was currently parading about the apartment in a frenzy to get ready. I'm pretty sure she had another dance group team building event. They usually meet at one of the girl's apartments and just watch movies, drink and gossip. I know because I end up hearing all the gossip at the end of the night.

"No I swear I'm good. I need to study for my exam tomorrow." And also needed to mentally prepare for Ethan Richards to come over. I had yet to tell her about that one.

She shook her head trying to shove an earring into her ear. "Well okay then. Do you want to grab a bite to eat before I go out though?" I debated it for a minute and then decided if I had to get through this 3 hour review video, I'd better have some food in my stomach for it. I worked better on a full stomach and possibly an extra large iced coffee for extra energy.

"Sure let me just grab my coat."

Within 30 minutes we were in an Uber on our way to a local Mexican restaurant that we both loved. Their burrito bowls were her favorite and mine were their burritos. The meal plan we purchased as a requirement to live in the dorms was practically begging us to use it at this point but nothing could stop us from our favorite place.

"Any luck on that book you're working on?" She says while piling a fork full of rice and beans in her mouth. Classy as always.

"Actually yea. Remember how we were talking about Ethan Richards? That insanely smart kid in my writing class and your Econ one?" She nodded at me. "Well he's actually coming over tomorrow to help me edit." I finished by taking a bite of the burrito.

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise and she dropped her fork.

"Oh my god. You mean he's coming to our apartment? The great mysterious Ethan Richards is coming to our little apartment!" She was way too excited about this.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued to eat my burrito. I'd hoped she wouldn't make a big deal out of tomorrow but I knew better.

"Yes. And you better not be all weird about it when he's there." I shook my head wiping my mouth with a napkin.

I loved Annie but when she wanted something, in this case wanted me to get laid, she'd do anything to make it happen. I recalled our many late night conversations about how I wasn't interested in having any pointless hookups but she insisted I have some fun and try no strings attached. I wasn't a no strings attached type of person which is why I avoided any sort of heartbreak or attachment I could. Including one night stands with college boys who wouldn't bother asking you if you needed a ride home afterward.

"I won't but c'mon! Are you not the least bit interested in his story? I mean now that he's coming tomorrow you could learn more about him." She looks at me seriously.

"No I'm really not. What if it's personal? It's really none of my or your business. I just need some editing help and that's that." She shook her head and moved back to her bowl.

Ethan may be a mystery and I may be curious but I'd never cross that line of personal prying. I need his help and I don't need to fuck it up by asking him personal questions about his life.

"What's your story about again?" She finished her bowl now.

My cheeks heated at the question. I think I've come to hate this question because I am not sure what to say. She's asked me once before and I brushed it off with I didn't know yet because I truly didn't and had just started writing, but now I knew and was embarrassed to say.

"I guess it's about a college student who experiments..." I turned away too red in the cheeks now. "She explores her desires." I was embarrassed to say it aloud.

I wrote this book as a way to live out my fantasies. Both every day and sexually. After I swore off any sort of one night stand due to a few uncomfortable situations, I couldn't help but let my mind and imagination wonder a bit. I wasn't afraid to admit that I wrote a novel about my life but with erotic themes, it just became more real to say it out loud.

"And you're having Ethan read it!" She dropped her fork mouth open. "Are you not worried about his response?"

Was I? I mean of course I was but I could get over the blushing and erotic scenes in my novel if it meant it would be edited to perfection. I guess I hadn't fully thought that through but Ethan seemed like a professional and I had no doubt he would be professional about it.

"Not really, I look at it as literature and I think Ethan would do the same." I said it to convince Annie, but now I'm starting to think it was to convince myself.

"Well you are a brave girl. And I can't wait to read it." She smirked and stood to gather her things so I did the same.

Now more than anything I was nervous for tomorrow.

I dropped Annie off at her dance friend's apartment and made the drive home. The apartment was no mess but I made the effort to pick up after myself a bit so I wouldn't be completely embarrassed with Ethan coming by.

After cleaning I opened my laptop to my writing class notes so I could get some studying in before the exam tomorrow. But now that I thought about it I hadn't studied nearly enough and I knew either way I'd be screwed. It was almost as if trying to shove every word Professor Knight has said while I hadn't been paying attention into my distracted filled mind.

It was as if the google tag was teasing me.

Maybe what Annie had been saying earlier got to me, but I found myself typing in Ethan Richards to the search bar as if anything would come up.

All that came up was a few random articles about politicians that happened to have the same name as Ethan. No facebook, instagram or anything. He was as much of a mystery as life beyond our galaxy.

Now I was even more nervous for tomorrow. Who was I letting into my apartment. Who was I letting edit my work?

Who are you Ethan.

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