Chapter 19: Kagome's Heart Part 1

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(3rd person P.O.V.)

"Kagome! Will you stop being so emotional!!! God!" Inuyasha yelled very very stupidly.

"Inuyasha, no, not now! Not while they're like this!" Miroku warned.

"Hey!!!" Kagome yelled.

Inuyasha made a worried sound.

Oh god, I'm not even sure of I can write this next part.

"Inuyasha," Kagome grumbled clenching her fists tightly.

"Yeah?" Inuyasha asked his voice small and weak.

"Sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, sit boy, SIT!!!"
Oh man, this next part is even worse.

As kagome gave Inuyasha's face a taste of the ground, this happened,

"Miroku!!!" Sango growled.

"What did I do Sango!?!" Miroku asked, a very worried expression on his face.

"You always, well, you're always such a womanizer!!!"

Sango, out of sheer anger and the effect already placed on her, slapped Miroku across the face. 347 times. And it hurt. Miroku I mean.

"Sit boy, sit boy, sit boy," Kagome still commanded.

"How do we make this stop?" A tiny voice barely whispered between sits.

"If I knew, do you think I'd be in this position!?!" Miroku called irritatedly between slaps.

"Please, stop, Kagome," Inuyasha pleaded, his voice strained and rugged.

Kagome was just about to say um, well, you know, again when, she pulsated. And her awareness of what she was doing kicked in.

"Hirai-" Sango was about to take her Hiraikotsu and well, um, use it, on Miroku. When she pulsated and regained her awareness as well. "Miroku did I do that?" Sango asked felling ashamed.

"Nothing to worry about. My face hurts a little is all," Miroku assured her he was OK.

"Yeah, so does mine." Inuyasha barely said sarcastically, his face still baried half a foot into the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Kagome apologized with tears in her eyes.

"That's just cruel," Miroku said.

Shiukori smacked him in the back of his head for that one.

"Don't you think I know that!?!" Kagome yelled, tears falling. She then ran off into the forest. So that she didn't hurt anyone else.

Oh my god, I am so glad that that's over. Phew. That was cruel. I almost wasn't gonna write that part! But I would need an explanation of why Kagome is in the woods crying. So, wow. Glad that's over and done with. Alright back to the story,

"Kagome! Where are you?!" Inuyasha called.

Kagome got up and walked deeper into the forest.

"KAGOME!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!! Inuyasha called once again.

Kagome ran and ran until she couldn't go any further. She sat leaned up against a tree, just waiting for Inuyasha.

An ugly old man appeared. He knelt down and stared into Kagome's eyes. He untied a sack from his belt and sprinkled some sort of dust on her. She immediately fell asleep. The old man picked her up and flew into the air. He saw Inuyasha looking for her and flew down to face Inuyasha.

"Kagome!!!" Inuyasha called out seeing Kagome unconscious in the old man's grasp. He held her by her shirt. Letting her hair hang everywhere.

"If you want her you'll come to my lair. See you then, Inuyasha," the old man said.

"Hey! How do you know my name?!! Get back here with Kagome!!! You creep!!!" Inuyasha called out.

The old man laughed wickedly and flew off with Kagome.

"GET BACK HERE!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled.

The old man's lair...

The old man set down Kagome on the wood floor of his lair. He took out an aged piece of cloth. He unfolded it and it turned out to be a kimono. It was gold satin and had pink rose designs and bows. The old man then took out a pink headband (it was the kind of headband Kaguya wore in her first kimono dress). He took a white ribbon and tied Kagome's hair in a loose ponytail (the kind of ponytail Kikyo wore). The old man undressed Kagome and changed her into the kimono and put the headband on the top of her head.

The old man walked over to his wwoden chest and pulled out a small burlap sack. He walked over to Kagome and opened the sack leaving a mist to spread over her entire body.

Kagome woke up to find herself tied up with a white cloth over her mouth. She tried to yell out but she only made muffling sounds.

The old man took Kagome's school uniform (cool fact: Kagome's school uniform is called sailor fuku) and cut off her red bow with a knife. The old man took out another little bag. This one he whispered something to, then opened it and a strong wind whisked away Kagome's red bow.

The old man walked over to Kagome and smiled a creepy toothless grin. He removed the white cloth covering Kagome's mouth.

"I am Fuzen, Urasue's brother." The old man said.

"What do you want with me?!" Kagome shouted.

"You're heart,"

Shiukori; Inuyasha's AuntWhere stories live. Discover now