Chapter 4

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Hazel's POV
"Come on Mrs harrison. You have to let Julie and Sass back into the music program." Fylnn tries to convince Mrs harrison.

"I'm terribly sorry but I did say yesterday was your last chance." Mrs harrison says.

"Ok then cya guys later" I say. Julie and Fylnn call after me but I just walked out of the classroom.

I walk down the hall to see Camron and Stiles.

"Hey guys" I said to get their attention. They turn to me and smile brighter.

"Soo you up to go to the movies with us? We have three tickets" Stiles asks. Camron nods. I sigh.

"Sure boys. When is it?" I ask. "It's in four to three days" Camron replied. I smile.

"Sure I'll go. I need something to do" they just smiled and wrapped their arms around my shoulders.

"Let's go to science" Stiles says. I nod. We hang out for the rest of the day until I had to go home with julie.

"Bye boys" I say waving at them. They wave goodbye back as I start walking with Julie back

(Julie and Hazel's house)
We walk upstairs to Julie's room as I hear footsteps coming from her room. I go infront of julie and open her bedroom door.

I see three familiar ghost looking around the room.

"Hey! You can't be in here!" Julie yelled.

"We were looking for the kitchen" luke says Abit to quickly. I sigh.

"You guys shouldn't be in here" I say. I see like reaching for a box. I saw a mini nerf gun with bullet in it so I shot it at the side of the shelf.

"Hey!" Luke screeched. I smirk. "What's in the box Julie?" Luke asks.

"Nothing ok step away from the box" julie warned. "And get off my bed!" Julie scolded reggie.

He jumps off the bed and stood in front of julie bean bag. I saw luke reaching for the box again so I shot the shelf yet again.

"I told to keep away from that!" Julie scolded again.

"Sorry I just.. you said it's nothing and now I'm curious and..." Luke trailed off. I give Julie a look. She sighs.

"It's my dream box ok? Leave it alone" julie said.

"Woah look I'm holding something" I hear Alex say as he holds a picture of julie and Mum.

"And I drop it" he finished, dropping the picture on the bed. Julie snatched it up.

"My favorite picture of me and mum. Break it and I break you" julie said. I smirk.

"You can't we're dead" Alex said.

"Then I'll find another way" I mumble.

"Alright. If you guys staying here there must be boundaries. No going in my room or Sass's!" Julie said. The boys start moving towards the door. Luke and Reggie go through the door.

Alex goes through the door but pops his head back in.

"I'm sorry julie" he says. I smile at him.

"Oh did you get into the music program?" Alex asks both of us. I shook my head while Julie's says no. He nods and pops his head out of the door.

"Boys.." I mutter. Julie looks at me.

(Time skip)

I walk down stairs to see Julie, dad and Carlos talking.

"Hey guys" I say. They jump and turn to me.

"So I overheard you guys talking about staying?" I ask. Dad nods.

"All we need is your vote!" Carlos shouted. I sigh and put my hand up.

"I. Hazel Molina want to stay here. No moving" I say. They all smile.

"The molina's are staying!" Dad announced. We all hug. I pull away and started jumping around.

"YAY!" I squeal. I stop jumping and straighten up. "None of you saw that" I say pointing my index at them. I go back up and stairs to my room and start celebrating.

(Later that night)

Me and Julie head down to the kitchen as I tie my hair up in a messy bun

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Me and Julie head down to the kitchen as I tie my hair up in a messy bun. We walk in and we immediately see luke staring at the fridge.

"You better not be eating my left over pizza" I say. He jumped but didn't keep his eyes of the food.

"Can you even eat?" Julie asked.

"Nope" he answered. "Oh you poor soul" I mumble while closing the fridge door.

"Hey! That took me forever to open!" He yelled.

"Well you don't look 10,342 to me" I say reaching into the cabinet to get myself some popcorn.

"I wanted to talk to you two" Luke said behind me as I grabbed a pot. I could feel eyes looking at me so I take a quick look behind me to see luke staring at me.

"What? about waisting power" I snickered at my own comment.

"That wasn't funny" luke said. My smile dropped and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm new to this ok, meeting new people give me the heebie jeebies"

(Pretend what happens with julie from this scene happens now but with Hazel)

"Thanks Luke" I say. He smiles at me.

"No problem" he says and poofs out of the kitchen.

I'm never going to get use to that...

~Sorry I haven't updated, I was busy with my other stories! These will be slow updates.~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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