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After eating we all had free periods. By we I meant a no longer sulking Martina, my pretty and plump Moira. Yeah she's plump not fat. Don't you dare call her that. And my, I don't know what to call myself now, self.

When we got to the nurses office, I introduced the two who had not met, at least to my knowledge.

"Moira meet my smart and pretty friend Martina" I started.

"I am not pretty" she said.

"I can't have friends who are ugly" I replied with a wave of my hand.

It's true. My freinds were always prettier than me in my previous school. When walking through the hallway with them I always felt like shit beside them and somehow I felt okay with it.

"So you my dear are the prettiest nerd I've ever met." I continued then placed a kiss on her freckled cheek. Moira fake gagged and it made me laugh, we all laughed. She's all rolls and the gesture looked so natural.

In between laughs I said "Martina meet my bread roll, Moira. You could call her Glowy."

"Glowy" she said looking confused "where did that come from"

"Babe, your porcelain skin is amazing and glowing". Since I could not reach to kiss her with my mouth I placed the kiss on my fingers and placed it on her face. They both gagged.

"Muave" Martina was speaking "I already know who Moira is"

Sincerely I was shocked

"We go to the same church, but we are enemies but freinds at the same time."

I was seriously looking between the both of them. The worst part they looked so chill.

"Yeah" Mauve now "There is this quarterly competition in the teens church. We are tough rivals"

"You both are freinds" was all I could say.

"Sort of"

"I don't think you can call it a friendship"

They both said this simultaneously.

"You guys have a friendship behind my back" my face displayed shock, hurt and a little bit of disappointment. But it was all an act and I was enjoying their expressions.

"No, no, no. It's not like that, I mean it's in church not in school" I looked at Martina with disbelief.

"Yeah, I mean if we didn't meet through you, we never would have spoken to each other, right Martina?"

She nodded in agreement.

After a minute of me acting like I was heartbroken I broke down and started laughing.

"Your faces were so great, expressions priceless" I continued laughing.

"It's not funny" Martina mumbled.

"Yeah, not funny" Moira added

I wanted to say 'what was that, I didn't hear cause I was to busy laughing at your stupid faces' but I am a nice person.

Instead I said "Sorry, but really that's great. Don't mind me."

The bell rang and I had not finished eating. I am not a multi tasker, don't blame me.

Like I said earlier we had free periods and did not know what to do. So we went to Martina's locker and briefed Moira on what happened.

The janitor did not do a thorough job and we needed to do something. So we went into the janitor's closet with his permission, got some gloves, soap and all the sanitary blah.

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