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trigger warning; abuse.

kuroo's POV

i calmly walked down the path, tuning out the world around me. it was another typical day, school had been out for a little bit and it was time for volleyball practice. i was currently headed to the club room to change, and meet up with the others.

"please kenma-san! it's been a while!" yup, definitely a normal day if lev is badgering kenma about throwing him some sets.

"not a chance." kenma stated blankly.

"c'mon lev, leave him alone. you'll have plenty of opportunities to spike the ball in practice." i said casually, as the first year sighed.

we headed to the gym, and practiced for a few hours.

"that's all for today! rest well for your practice match this weekend!" coach nekomata finally said, as everyone began eagerly cleaning up. today was a little extra grueling than usual, so we were all a bit more worn out.

"let me walk you all the way home today." i said to kenma as we stepped out of the gym.

you see, in the way our houses and the school were positioned, i would walk with kenma for about half his trip home, before i'd make it to my house, and he'd half to keep going by himself. it had become a daily thing for me to offer to take him all the way home, and he always declined. it wasn't out of the ordinary, but it still had me worrying.

we'd been friends for ten years, and i'd only ever been to his house maybe three or four times, the last time being years ago. they're always brief visits, as well. he seemed quite uncomfortable with me coming to his house, and had yet to explain why. as much as i'd like to believe it wasn't a big deal, there was plenty of evidence i'd gathered over the years that made it evident that something was going on at kenma's house that he didn't want me to see. it seemed to be one of his parents that were the problem.

but he never opened up, and i wasn't about to force him to. so my questions remained unanswered.

i just want him to be safe. i thought.

"no." he said. big surprise.

i just shrugged as we began our walk. he had his face buried in his switch, nothing unusual.

making conversation with him was definitely a challenge, and i knew he preferred silence, especially after a long day at school, so the majority of our walks home were silent.

before i knew it, it was already time for me to split off from him.

"stay safe, please." "i'm fine, kuro." "i know, i just don't want anything happening to you.. let me know if you wanna come over later."

"i will." kenma said, walking off before i could even say goodbye.

kenma's POV

i knew i probably should've just gone home with kuroo, but i felt like i couldn't.

"kenken, why're you so late?"

her voice was the last voice i wanted to hear walking in the door, but there wasn't anything i could do. she stood up and stared me dead in the eye. i could feel myself getting nervous.

"practice." i said.

"well, don't be late again." she said. i stared at the ground as i walked towards my room, replying with a quick "i won't." 

once i made it to my room, i ended up playing my game for an hour, before i remembered that i had an english test coming up. i immediately took the opportunity to text kuro and ask him if i could come over to study—i was ready to take any chance to get out of this house.

kuro accepted quickly, and i left my room, about to leave to head to his house.

i was stopped by my mom, as she said "where do you think you're going?"

"kuro's, to study." my answers to her were always short, i hated wasting any time talking to her. plus, too many words could easily get her more pissed off at me, so i had to keep my replies short and simple. 

"no, i don't think so. kenken, i'm tired of you leaving me so early and not coming back for hours."

"well you constantly leave every single day to see your boyfriend." i suddenly said.

fuck. why did i say that. i thought.

"excuse me, are you talking back at me? you're talking back at me, your own mother, who just wants to spend more time with you?" she said, clearly offended and getting angry. this definitely wasn't going to end well.

"i give you a roof to live under, clothes to wear, and food to eat, and this is how you treat me?" she said, as i backed up, hitting the wall.

"i-i—" "you be fucking quiet! you aren't going anywhere, especially not with that attitude."

i've gotta get out of here. i thought.

i quickly tried to dodge her and make a run for the front door, which ended in her grabbing me by my hair and throwing me to the ground. as much as i wanted to stand up to her, i couldn't seem to move. i curled up against the wall, as she leaned down and slapped me across the face.

"you do not disrespect me and then try to fucking leave like that! do you understand me?" she said.

at that point, i didn't care. all i could seem to do was try to escape, so i did just that. this time i made it to the door, and pretty much slammed it in her face before running as fast as i could.

good thing she's too much of a coward to show herself to kuro and his dad.

i made it to kuro's house, trying my best to get back into my usual cold, calm, and collected self. i couldn't let kuro see me afraid, or weak.

he seemed quite happy to see me when i walked into his room.

"hey, did you bring your english stuff?" "mhm." "good, let's start studying then." he said as he patted the empty seat next to him at his desk, with that stupid, dorky smirk still on his face.

good. he hasn't noticed anything different.

i finally sat down, and we began studying.

hiii wooo new story im excited for this

yes i have several ongoing stories i havent updated in months but u know what. i had this idea so i wanted to write it already hsjfhs

ik this chapter was a little boring but things will get juicy soon !!!

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