Chapter 7: My Twisted Fate

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Maxine's POV

"What?!" Are you sure? Because it doesn't look like it." I guess she can read my mind.

"You're very rude, do you know that? Moving on... Well I was."

"How is that even possible?"

"I know right! That bitc- I mean that woman just kicked me out of heaven and placed me here. I can't even get out of here by myself."

"No, I meant I can't believe your actually a god, and Wow your so eager to tell me your story that you look like a dog waging your tail because of your excitement."

"Your not even trying to hide your thoughts anymore huh." She said as she glares at me.

"I mean you can read my mind, so there's no point anymore."

"Your a very smart kid I'm starting to like you even more! Bwahahahaha. "

"Please don't, and what do you mean by that woman?"

"Calm down we have all day to talk about that hehehehehe moving on I'll make this as short as possible since I have a surprise for you after this. "

"You know what I changed my I don't want to know. "

She grabbed me by my collar and tosses me at the bed.

"Well kid, You don't have a choice but to listen to me" she smiled and that it gave me shivers again.

Someone please save me! ANYONE!

"Moving on, there are 7 gods. Valerie god of strength-"

"Woah! That's sounds so cool! "

"You surprised me! And yes she is a a cool god since she's me. " Valerie crossed her arms and smiles so proudly.

"O-oh, well seeing her right now I guess she's really not that big of a deal. "

Valerie stare daggers at me "That's because you haven't seen my cool side Bwahahahaha. *Cough* where was I... Oh yeah, next is Stellan, by the way Stellan and Raymond are guys, just saying. Going back Stellan is the god of peace and his lover is Raymond next is Romana god of wisdom and Raymond is the god of intelligence next one is Minette god of hope be careful she's a player I tell you kid and the last one is Freya god of love and she's the leader of all gods and the woman who put me here actually its more like she put a curse on me... But since your here I can finally break it hehehehe. "

"I don't like where this is going. Just asking but what do they look like? . "

"I don't even want to think about their faces right now but you'll know when you see them. Anyhow Don't worry kid your in good hands hehehehehehehe. "

"What is it first? I mean this pact thing?" Why am I so anxious about this?

"It's easy kid, you just need to form a pact with me. "

"Really? What good will it do to me though? "

"Well if you form a pact with me I can help you with things you want. "

"Anything? "

"Well I am a God I'll make things work out somehow but do remember the grander your wishes is the bigger it will affect me in a bad way that is. "

"Woah! I'm seeing you in a new light, and what do you mean that it will affect you in a bad way? Like how does it work?. "

"It means that nothing is easy and  that everything you wish for will have a consequence. But I'll let you know this since that bitc- I mean the woman that placed me here has sealed my powers that's why I am unable to get out of here. "

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