The Boy-Who-Lived became the Girl...by Skye Marie Moon
Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived finally got what he has been wanting to get for years. A sex change. A new gender means a new name and a new identity entirely. Unfortunat...
Miss Truliner (The Congress Fanfic...by Marco A. Shatter
Dylan Truliner had a real life before meeting Robin Wright, but it wasn't what you might expect.
Minutes to Midnightby Courtney + Nemo
Dallas is a 17-year-old rich emo, with an attitude, randomness and OCD; she finds herself normal-ish, putting those things aside.
But she doesn't know the truth about he...
Henry's Carby Lazlo Ferran
In this hilarious science fiction story, a Royal time traveler from the 16th Century develops a taste and talent for for stock-car racing.