Synopsis: Javi, a misfit in his world, without knowing the reason, arrives in the world of Pokemon, and begins to form a team of Pokemon that share their "rarity" with him. All weirdos, they form a family that wants to help him find his way back home, while he also tries to help them achieve their goals. It all began when I started testing dialogues with an Artificial Intelligence (character ai). That's where the name Pokemon AI comes from, since it is an interaction with an Artificial Intelligence. The basis of this story is friendship, adventure, action and humor (I really like senseless humor), where emotional and reflective moments are presented, which when contrasted with comedy, I hope can be very deep and reflective. _______________________________________________ Awards, reviews, critiques and more, here: Cover credits: Meloetta's art: (wwwjam) Art by Javi and Charmeleon: (Hentaro) Mawile's art: (fahadlami-ng)
14 parts