Liele, a young woman pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) while silently battling her own demons. Haunted by a painful past and struggling with suicidal thoughts, Liele's world takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Akill, a mysterious man. Unbeknownst to Liele, Akill is deeply involved in organized crime as a high-ranking member of a notorious mafia syndicate. However, what draws him to Liele is not her innocence or vulnerability, but rather her unique and endearing goofiness. As their lives become intertwined, Liele finds herself torn between her longing for a normal existence and the magnetic pull of Akill's dangerous world. Despite her inner voice warning her against it, she becomes ensnared in his dark web, finding solace in their unlikely connection. However, as their relationship deepens, Liele uncovers the true extent of Akill's obsession, leading her on a treacherous journey where love and danger collide Date started: 12/3/2023 End: