

Because 'Healing my Wounds' has a maximum of at least 3 chapters left until complete, I wish to put my full attention onto it before writing and editing other books of mine. 
          Therefore, I have now put 'Dear Diary: In Fire, and in Blood, and in Anguish on hold. 
          'Judging Me'  as you already know is on the on hold status and will probably stay like that until 'Dear Diary: In Fire, and in Blood, and in Anguish' has also been completed. 
          'Into the Sea of Poetry will NOT be hold - it's just a book which holds my poems and can be updated at any time, no pressure. I even hope to publish another poem tomorrow - stay tuned!


Actually change of plan, I actually justpostedteh poem now


I'm laughing  ...
          How did I forget 2 announce that I uploaded another chapter after uploading it?!  
          Chapter 6 to 'Dear Diary: In Fire, and in Blood, and in Anguish' has been uploaded! (After what felt like a long time)
          Happy Reading!