
So I have been extremely inactive and I'm very sorry for that. I've had a pretty hard year so far. However, with summer coming and all I will be writing more updates and posting them soon so stayed tuned for that! Thanks for the patience!


I just wanted to thank everyone who has read Trust I never ever thought I would get as many reads as I have. I have 16.2k reads and while that might not seem like a lot compared to other books but it's a lot to me and I appreciate everyone one of them! Have a great night and stay beautiful!


Yes, it is true! the very first chapter of Wait For Me is up!! I hope you all love it!! Also, follow me on Twitter @Caitlynluvs5sos and on Pinterest @caitlynpoels to see updates and pictures of the cast that I have chosen! Feel free to DM me at anytime any suggestions or anything you have to say, I love to hear what everyone has to say! I am going to be working on an Instagram that will be linked to my account so stay tuned for my progress on that. Anyways I hope you enjoy the first chapter and stay beautiful!


HI! I just wanted to thank everyone for a great 2014! Trust did so much better than I expected it to, 7.8k reads at the moment!!! That's insane, so thank you! Moving On is the next book I'll be working on in 2015! I have one chapter and a introduction posted for Moving On, you all should go check that out!!!! Thank you!!!