
bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Hello to you my wonderful followers/readers 
          	I just wanted to let yall know that I'm going take down and re-upload some of the latest chapters of the current book I'm working on called "Island fling".
          	The reason for that is because - I don't know if you guys noticed but I did-  that the order of the chapters got mixed up a lil which I can't explain to myself how that shit even happened but it did so now I'm trying to fix it.
          	I'm sorry for the confusion but please be patient with me you guys


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Hello to you my wonderful followers/readers 
          I just wanted to let yall know that I'm going take down and re-upload some of the latest chapters of the current book I'm working on called "Island fling".
          The reason for that is because - I don't know if you guys noticed but I did-  that the order of the chapters got mixed up a lil which I can't explain to myself how that shit even happened but it did so now I'm trying to fix it.
          I'm sorry for the confusion but please be patient with me you guys


Thank you for adding my book to your reading list! ❤️❤️❤️


@ BastilleStormer632  no big deal im excited to read them :) ❤❤❤


Thanks for adding the A Walk in the Park series and Forever In My Life to your reading list. I have one last book you might also enjoy, Love...Thy Will Be Done. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy them! ❤


@ IsaNelson69  awww thx yep i didnt start reading them yet cuz i just discovered them today but im sure i will like it cuz every author on here have their own type of writing and people need to appreciate that so I'll give it a try❤ 


Thanks for adding my stories to your reading list.  I hope you enjoy them.  ☺


@ BluebellaMortimer  Of course i do you welcome