
bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
If you were smart in trying to get away with posing as Aspen, the real Aspen is 21 years old. Considering you know her instagram username, you should have known that xD it's posted there. I was literally just on another page saying they were Aspen Mansfield too. Why tf does everyone have to pretend to be someone different, be proud of who you are dude like what is this bullshit.


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@Wxxkend Also YOU came at ME, so YOU can "fuck the fuck off" dumbass fucking cunt.


@Wxxkend I actually didn't care enough to read it but since you said that, I took the time to and you're right. It's at the end of your bio, where most people wont bother to read far enough. 


@Wxxkend it's funny that the only people to defend fakes are also fakes themselves lolol


Thanks for the follow, comment and vote please, hopefully you feel comfortable after reading my books..., thanks again!:);)