
Recommend some good fic


h–hello. this is weird but I saw how you stood up to those people on one of those books that I read, it's called 'V's Revenge'. I've never respected someone more through a mere screen. I just wanted to say, you're awesome and I stan you and please keep on being yourself, you're an inspiration!
          hope you're having a great day (:


Aw thank you so much! Made my day


It was just you standing up to those 'abuse sympathizers' who came for you, and you basically owned their asses and you didn't back down. I couldn't agree more to any of what you said and found those people that were eagerly willing to forgive and forget about the abuse that happened, disgusting. Abuse is not something to be romanticized about and people who excuse people that do it is disgusting.
            I'm so bad at confrontations so I was just in awe of everything you did there. It was amazing. I really do stan you, haha. You're awesome.


Haha thanks, I don’t remember what I commented. What was it about?