
hypothetically, if i were to come back with a 'rain' update .... who would read it


I would still read it, seriously 


@lamplitluke hi im like 2 months late but i just binged it all tonight and now has a spot in my heart as on of my fav fanfics. so. me :)


hypothetically, if i were to come back with a 'rain' update .... who would read it


I would still read it, seriously 


@lamplitluke hi im like 2 months late but i just binged it all tonight and now has a spot in my heart as on of my fav fanfics. so. me :)


an update: i know i announced that i was writing a new fic the other day but surprise! there's 2! @dzzlnghaze and i came up with one together and last night i ran into some inspiration in the form of the halloween spirit if you catch my drift ... it's gonna be a bit spooky!
          anyone wanna hear any titles?


hello! some announcements: it is my birthday today. 19 baby! as a present from me to you, me and @dzzlnghaze stayed up until 3 am
          planning out a new fic. look forward to that.
          i've been feeling super ✨numb✨ and ✨unloved✨ recently so i haven't been able to sit down and write. i think i'm going to start therapy when i get back to campus. 
          anyway, i love u all. thanks for reading :-)


happy belated birthday omg!!! so excited to see what you have coming,,, sending love <333 


@lamplitluke | HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAVE A GREAT DAY <33 AND OOOO IM EXCITED. and good luck with everything xx


rain hit 700 reads brb gonna cry for the rest of the day thank you so so so much for the love and support this story means everything to me. i wrote the storyline in 8th grade and throughout high school i went through a sexual assault, a few bad breakups, and i had bad depression/anxiety throughout. i'm a freshmen in college now and rain is my way of introducing my person coming-of-age. thank you all for sharing it with me. i can't wait to continue.