
we’re sorry to inform you but BBB will be on a temporary hiatus. we will continue the book as soon as our busy schedule finishes. it’s our last year in school, and we hope that everyone understands.
          	we are sorry but we will continue the book later on. 
          	thank you for your support and patience. please keep loving the book once we get back.


@ogayjikook  It's been like months. I hope that You're done with Your school stuff and wish You best of Luck. But please try and understand. We people want to die in peace. And that'll be only possible if We get to know why Jimin didn't come to pick Jungkook up. Paallleeeaase!!!! Update BBB soon.


@ogayjikook Its okay we can wait until authur-nim free and we will always support you no matter what! Please do well at school and fighting♡♡


we’re sorry to inform you but BBB will be on a temporary hiatus. we will continue the book as soon as our busy schedule finishes. it’s our last year in school, and we hope that everyone understands.
          we are sorry but we will continue the book later on. 
          thank you for your support and patience. please keep loving the book once we get back.


@ogayjikook  It's been like months. I hope that You're done with Your school stuff and wish You best of Luck. But please try and understand. We people want to die in peace. And that'll be only possible if We get to know why Jimin didn't come to pick Jungkook up. Paallleeeaase!!!! Update BBB soon.


@ogayjikook Its okay we can wait until authur-nim free and we will always support you no matter what! Please do well at school and fighting♡♡


Please update Battle of the Busan soon 
          It feel like im waitng for year! Even if not a month yet!...but Please update soon! 


@kookchim_9795 no no its okay! i understand. I really really love/enjoy reading your book!:) thank you so much for the updated♡♡..hope you update the new chapter soon too:D..
            I will always support you!
            LOADS OF LOVE:)♡♡


@kookchim_9795 We are sorry for the wait. Thank you for anticipating it. We have updated the new chapter and apologize for the delay.
            Thank you for your love and support.


As an apology for the late chapters, we did a double update for the book 'Battle of the Busan Boys'. 
          We hope you enjoy reading the new chapters.
          We look forward to your response to the new chapters.
          Thank you for waiting patiently. 


@ogayjikook please update the new chapter!