Chapter 3:Ducks don't just quack

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Beep.  Beep.  Beep.

My brother's heart was still going.  He was still alive.  I called the hospital just in time.  Wait, no you stupidhead, you are the reason he is here in the first place.  Shut Up! You didn't even touch him.  He brought it on himself.  My mind was going to tear me apart.

"Morghan, you should go home now," a petite nurse said cooly.  "It is almost midnight and you have school tomorrow.  I called a taxi for you, and the driver agreed to take you out to Forgies Bar, then the last mile is up to you.  You will have to walk cause the taxis don't go out that far.  So pipp pipp, let's get a move on."  Oh why did doctors do that?  Surely they know a smile doesn't make everything better.

"Whatever, I don't need you quacks to help me," I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing, just reminding myself to ummmmm, feed the cat when I get home, that's all."

"Oh, okay darling," she held her R just a little to long.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?  You think your happiness is going to make everything better, but here is the scoop.  It is not!  While you are all happy go lucky, my brother is on the verge of dying.  And you don't care one bit.  The only reason you are making sure he stays alive is so your rich ass can make more money.  He could die and you wouldn't even give a fuck!  You would just smile and take him away, singing a song.  Then you would go and get your next victim."  I really emphasized the word victim.

Her expression didn't change one bit.  "Oh, I know what you mean," she replied.

"Huh?  I just insulted you and you AGREED?"

"Your brother need our help, and so do you."

"I am perfectly fine.  Instead of wasting your time on a perfectly healthy person, maybe you should help someone who really needs it."  Suddenly, my feet are pounding on the floor, and I am far away from that bitch.  As I look back, I see she is following me, and she has something in her hand.  It is silver and pointy. 

Are you kidding me?  It's a shot, and I can tell if I get injected with it, that won't be very good for me.  But seriously.  Does she think I have gone completely physco?  Whatever.  I start to feel my arm get pricked, but I slam shut the door behind me.

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