Mind games.

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I'm so tired of Manny in my face every 5 seconds. I remember who he is. I just want him to give me some space. I been playing mind games. I didn't lose my memory.

Manny is so torn up about this whole thing. He's so selfish, I'm the one who's recovering from being shot, and this nigga crying that I don't remember him. Boo hoo. I'm just tryna get back on the streets to keep making this fast money. I want to be at the top of the empire with my father.

I texted Q to see what was up with the next move. The empire was expanding to different states now. We're getting bigger and bigger everyday.

The boys were shipping a big ass package to Miami but someone had to go down there first and make sure the drop was real. I wanted to do it. A trip to Miami wouldn't be bad, but it would be dangerous too. I met the boys at the bando where the meeting was being held.

Some dudes sat on the couch watching a football games, some of them were sparking up, and the rest just stood around looking stupid. "Alright boys." I started. Everyone's attention turned towards me.

"So I'll meet up with the dealers in Miami, how much are we getting for this drop?" I asked around.

"This is big, we make a few mil on this one." Answered Q.

I nodded my head. "Theres about 100 ki's of white in there." Said a tall dark man named Monster. "You going on this trip alone Nyla?" He asked.

"Yeah why not?" I questioned.

"Well I can come along, you know? For protection" he assured.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I dont see the problem. So everything is in place right boys?" I asked.

People nodded their heads, and some said yeah. "Let's make it happen." I said leaving the house.

Monster followed behind me. "Wait up!" He said jogging to keep up. He took deep breaths as he reached me.

"May I help you?" I questioned. He had nice chocolate skin, and a fresh shape up. His teeth were perfectly straight and white.

He smiled. "I noticed something about you."


"You're a boss, just like your dad."

"You know my daddy?" I asked.

"Who doesn't? Everyone knows Kaylen." He replied.

I flashed a smile as I started to enter my car. "Nice little chat with you M." I said closing my car door.

"Wait." He said.

"I like a woman who's a boss." He smirked.

"Listen young blood, I need to get home to my kids. Me and you stricktly business." I stated before pulling off.

I had some packing up to do. Miami was my next move to be at the top of the drug empire.

Commeeeent ❤

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