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"She doesn't fucking listen!" My father screamed. My vision was blurred, and as soon as it started to clear, there was a hospital room full of people.

My dad was yelling at Q, asking him how he would let me into this kind of trouble.

"She's up." said Q.

Daddy rushed to me.

"Babygirl? " Daddy asked.

I nodded my head.

"What happened?" I whispered.

Everyone looked at each other across the room. "You dont remember? " Asked a man standing across from me. He had light skin, green eyes, and dimples.

"Who's that?" I asked pointing at him.

His face turned in confusion, then into concern.

"Nyla, its me, Manny." he explained.

"Manny who?" I asked before a doctor came rushing in the room.

She checked me to see if I could feel the lower part of my body. She checked my eyes, hearing and speech.

"Physically she seems okay, but there's some temporary brain trauma." she stated. "Her memory seems to be dull, we'll have to do some tests. " she finished.

My mother came to hold my hand. "Don't worry baby, everything will be alright." she encouraged.

I turned to my left, and there sat Tyrrell on the couch. He opened his arms into a great big hug. A part of me missed him.

"Mommy" Kyree called. I smiled big, kissing him on the forehead.

Zyona followed behind her brother, giving me a kiss. "Maybe she should rest a little." Everyone left the room except for Manny.

"Baby please tell me you remember me." He pleaded.

I thought long and hard, and tears started to flow out my eyes. "I can't , I don't know who you are. Are we married?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "I wanted to be- I want to be." he corrected himself. He planted his hand into mine.

I took my hand back. "No." I refused.

Manny got angry and started crying. As he exited the room, he punched the wall.

"Okay Ms. Harris, " the doctor came back in. "We did some x-rays while you were unconcious, they're not too bad, so you'll be able to go home in a week or so. Any questions? " She asked.

"How long with this memory loss last?" I questioned.

She frowned. "Theres no exact time, you just need time to heal. " she stated.

"You can come back home with me Nyla." said Manny.

Going home with a stranger seemed weird but I did live with him before.

A few days after running tests, I finally got to go home.

"If you want something to eat, let me know babe." Manny said.  I nodded my head.

Manny kept coming in to ask me questions, and to make sure I was okay. He began to become abrasive and it was bothering me.

"Can you leave me alone now! " I yelled. He looked at me funny.

"Nyla how dont you remember me but you remember everyone else?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I just dont know." I shrugged.

"Listen Nyla! I'm trying to help you, because I love you." He explained.

I turned my attention towards my TV, ignoring him.

"How fucking disrespectful." he whispered under his breath.

I didn't care, he could leave he wasn't anything to me, I feel nothing for him.

The Life of a Thug's Daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now