Moving Too Sweden

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Moving to Sweden was hard for the commoner. She didn't know the language and she also didn't speak it. The hardest part of moving to Sweden for Terra was that the Swedish people looked at her weirdly. Like you were a alien or something. They would give the commoner and her family Judge looks when they walked by. The commoner would often feel like they would judge her for her skin color or how she spoke.

I mean the commoner was just 4 years old she didn't know people judge you fairly on your skin color.

The commoner and her family were living in a migration facility. Everyone that came from other countries or were running from wars or problems similar the commoners, had to live in a building. Everyone was smash to get. The building Terra and her family was living in looked like a prison. The room they were given was small and could only fit 2-3 people in it. We're the commoner and her family at was small and didn't have much food to eat. The people that worked there provided them with necessary things like diapers for Terras little sister, Clothes, shoes, and much more. The migration would give them money every month. They weren't aloud to stay out to long because of they didn't want to take risks of us running away. The building Terra lived in with her family and other people was a bathroom.

The bathroom was not that big for all the women how lived there. The bathroom didn't have any privacy you could se each other's naked bodies. When you walked in to the bathroom and you look at the floor it would seem like the floor was rotten. So every time The commoner and her family would shower they would have on flip-flops on, because of the dirty floor.

Month of being there they finally sent the commoner and her family to another house, that they lived alone for about 6 months.

Living there for about 3 months a accident occurred
The commoners mothers friend that also speak French asked the commoner if she was hungry one day. As a 5 year old child she thought it was harmless so she said yes she was. So he give her an invitation to have som food. So as a clueless child the commoner was she accepted the invitation for free food.

Hi! Hope you like it
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