Oh crap i think im in love

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There's only one asshole who would arrive at this point in the story at this certain time.

Kusuo goddamn Saiki.

The bitch looks tired as hell, he probably needs a coffee jelly.

KAGAYAMA takes one look at Saiki and runs toward him. Meanwhile I divert my attention to the bitchy cashier who has just returned to the Taco Bell at 3am. She also had thirty bucks in hand that she could manage to retrieve from Leorio.

I run over to her and demand for my tacos,  because I'm inconsiderate as hell. She sighs, obviously tired, and goes back into the kitchen and throws the tray with the tacos right at my face, and the soda too.

Okay then. No tip it is.

I sit down at one of the tables while KAGAYAMA tries rationally talking to Kusuo.
Kusuo tried to leave at least ten times, but KAGAYAMA managed to set him back into the Taco Bell every time.

I look back at Nugget-toe. Even with the chair, table, and trash can on top of him, he still managed to slide out of the chair. I swear to god this boy is a noodle.

I sigh, pull him back up, and place my taco tray on top of the trash can for good measure.

I divert my attention back to KAGEYAMA, who's t-posing to assert his dominance over Saiki.

I have inhaled my tacos, so they're pretty much done. I stand up and go over to KAGAYAMA and Saiki to try and explain the meeting shit like I'm the expert on everything.

But as I approached, Kusuo roundhouse kicked me in my jaw.

But because I have the healing recovery of a Titan from aot I get back up no sweat.

KAGAYAMA pulls out his letter and shoved it in Saiki's face, which was emailed to him so technically he was just shoving his phone in his face.

Kusuo made his annoyed face. I could almost hear the yare yare.

Now there's only one person left for the so called meeting.

Speaking of Nagihoe, that bitch was slipping out of the chair again. Kusuo spirit bombed him and left him on the floor, disintegrating all the crap on top of him. And that's the end of that unfunny reacquiring joke.

Nagitoe gets up and stands for the first time since chapter 2, and walks over to the rest of us.

Now is my chance! I grab the hope bagel and head for the door to Taco Bell. Then I remembered I didn't drink my soda, the whole goddamn reason I went to this Taco Bell at 3 am in the first place.

I chug that bitch like it's the last day on earth, and storm out the door, Nugget-toe in tail.

Then I hear a new voice.

"Halt, you greasy-ass bitch!"

(Y/n) goes to Taco Bell at 3 am.Where stories live. Discover now