ii. the boy is mine.

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"We look hideous!" Sam complained as the five of you all stand in front of the Milwaukee Wedding Hall.

Carly nodded, "I know."

"Aw, come on you guys, it's not that bad." you try to lighten things up, but it just resulted in them glaring at you.

Spencer smiled at your effort as he held the door. "Let's just go in."

Carly walks in with Sam, then Freddie after them. Last but not least, Spencer and you walked in together.

Right when all of you just got in, Jodi, the bride, entered the room while screaming, "Ahhh! Holy gosh! iCarly at my wedding!"

She pulls the four of you into a group hug jumped. Everyone tried their best to seem excited and matched their energy with her.


When she let go, her eyes immediately went to Spencer. "Spencer, you look so handsome and dapper."

"Well, I dapped before I left the hotel," Spencer shrugged.

Jodi laughed so hard after hearing the words that just came out of him.

Spencer leaned into you and whispered, "Is that normal?" 

"I don't think so, but be nice!"

Spencer nodded and commented, "You are quite a cackler."

He glanced at you and his eyes were begging for your help, so you jumped in.

"So," you looked around. "Where's your fiance, Gordon?"

"Oh, I think he's getting dressed," she shrugged before coming closer to Spencer and playfully poked at Spencer's chest. "You have really nice pecks."

Her comments took you aback, so clung to his arms protectively.

Spencer laughed stiffly as a reaction to the awkward situation. "What?"

"She likes your pecks!" Sam bluntly stated.

"Oh. Well, I swim sometimes," he put his hands up, unsure how he should respond to that.

"No, you don't," Carly and you instantly reminded him.

"I swam once," he corrected himself.

"Hey," a man suddenly appeared from behind. 

Everyone turned around to see him, and Freddie, who's the closest to the man, replied, "Hi."

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