0.9 - It's Worth It

154 8 45

This chapter is Cal's point of view :)

"What did you do?" Luke asks, inspecting the wounds on Margo's hand.

"I fell." She lies right through her teeth. I look up at her as she glances at me before looking away.

"She didn't fucking fall, she almost got shot in the head so I pushed her out of the way." I walk closer to them before Luke holds his hand up, pushing me away.

"Okay, well I want you to go check on Louis while I finish helping Margo." He orders me around like I'm his kid so I ross my hands up in defeat, leaving the room.

I walk through the living room, noticing Louis on the couch. He's distracted by his phone so I assume that he's fine, grabbing my jacket.

"Where are you going?" He asks, looking up at me as I walk up to the front door.

"Out, and no, you can't come." I swing the door open and step out onto the porch, putting my jacket on after closing the door.

I fucking pulled my gun out, in front of her. I'm such an idiot. I stand on the porch, the cold air enveloping me as I pull out my pack of cigarettes.

I can feel myself becoming addicted to them, reliant almost. It feels as if they're the only thing that can calm my nerves anymore. It gives me the same feeling that a breath of relief would.

I open it to see that I only have two left. I angrily take one and place it between my lips, grabbing my lighter from my pocket.

The wind picks up as soon as I try to light it, the shield I've created with my hand isn't helping.

"God damn it!" I yell, punching the scarecrow decoration Michael decided to put up.

The front door opens and I angrily turn around, ready to yell at anyone that has chosen to come out here.

I unclench my fists as soon as I realize it's Margo. Her cheeks are slightly tinted pink from the cold air and her eyes are glistening in the moon light.

"Sorry, I heard you yell and I wanted to check on you." She whispers and I automatically feel guilty for her defensive stance.

Her shoulders are tightened, almost touching her ears, and her arms are folded across her chest.

"Are you?" She speaks up again, pulling me away from my thoughts. "Okay, I mean, are you okay."

I nod, scared to say anything aloud. If I were to speak then my loud voice could scare away her quiet one. C'mon Calum, remember what she told you that night. The lion's den. I need to teach the lion to juggle.

"I'm okay." I finally respond, a small smile making it's way onto her face.

"That's good, I was just about to leave since I'm not needed here anymore." She engages into the conversation, lowering her arms by her sides.

"Can we just sit and talk for a while?" I scratch the back of my neck nervously and she sighs. Please, Margo, I don't want you to leave yet.

"Yeah, of course." She closes the front door and walks over to where I am, sitting down on the stairs before looking up at me. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything." I shrug, sitting next to her. I flip the cigarette around between my fingers and she turns to face me.

"You were going to smoke?" She asks and I press my lips together.

"Yeah, but the wind refuses to allow me to. Right now I just want to talk to you though." I take out the cigarette case, placing the cigarette into it.

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