0.1 - A Familiar Face

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No, this isn't the book I promised. Why? Because I accidentally deleted the other one.

Its a long story as to what happened so I'll save the details.

Instead, I'm giving you this one because I feel it's one of my best works.

I also have HUGE plans for it ;)

That being said, i present to you...
Shot In The Dark !

"What's the schedule today, Abraham?" I ask my body-guard as I put my oatmeal in the microwave and start it.

Most people think that since I have so much money I'm constantly going out and dining at the finest restaurants in California. The truth is, I prefer staying in because it's stress-free.

"We have to leave as soon as Mr. Azoff gets here." Abraham responds, referring to my manager and typing on his phone and I groan in response.

Abraham and I are pretty much best friends, well he's the closest I'll get to one since I'm not allowed to talk to many people. Since I'm so young, my team thinks it's best for me to focus on myself and not really talk to many people outside of them.

"Can we just cancel the plans today? I'm tired and I just want to watch Gilmore Girls all day." I whine and Abraham shakes his head, taking my now finished oatmeal out of the microwave and handing it to me with a spoon.

"Eat your breakfast then get ready, we can't be late getting on set." He gives me a warning glare and I roll my eyes, shovelling a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth then walking back to my room.

I manage to keep a positive attitude on most days but something about today feels off. I look through my closet and eventually just decide on a pair of black sweatpants and a pink hoodie. I put on socks and slip my feet into my crocs, proceeding to walk to the bathroom.

I don't bother doing my makeup or hair since it'll all be re-done on set, only brushing my teeth.

"Abe, where's my phone?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom to see him holding my phone. I smile and take it from him, quietly thanking him. He hands me a pair of sunglasses as a slight shield from the paparazzi and I walk towards the front door.

"You ready for the day, golden girl?" He smiles and I suck in a deep breath, slowly blowing it out through my mouth before answering.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I walk out the door and to the car, climbing in as Abraham does the same.

I'm not going to lie, I love living here and getting to see new places, it just gets lonely sometimes. Especially since my family stayed back home.

It's something I'll never get used to, being away from home. I love the states, they're great, they just don't compare to Australia.

"Mr. Azoff wants to know if you need anything for when you get to the set." Abraham speaks up, piercing through the silence and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Tell Jeff that I would like him to fly my family out here." I respond in a monotone voice and Abraham sighs, knowing I'm just being overdramatic. "I know you don't like him, Abe."

I turn to notice him shaking his head, not responding. Neither of us like the Azoffs, they constantly send out this image of me that is no where close to who I really am.

Jeff wants me to be this untouchable force to be reckoned with and Abraham just wants me to be a kid. I'm only sixteen, for christ's sake.

"It's okay, I don't like him either." I whisper as the driver parks the car on the set of the music video I'm supposed to be in.

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