2.6 - It's Always Hailey

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"You seem a lot more full of life since we last spoke, how is everything?" Kate asks and I grin, nodding quickly.

"It's better than ever. Calum and I are getting close again, Koleton and I are slowly becoming friends, my work is coming along great and I feel content with where I am in my life right now." I respond and she nods, not picking up her pen to write notes a single time. "I still haven't found myself yet, but I'm getting closer than ever before."

"That's amazing Margo. Would you say you're the same person you were a year ago?" She asks intently and I shake my head.

"Definitely not. I'm barely the same person I was six months ago. I'm surrounded by an amazing support system and the nightmares have even gone away for the most part." I explain my current situation to her, gulping before saying the next part. "I don't have the thoughts anymore. The ones about hurting myself. They've all gone away for the most part and when they do happen, or when my mood switches really fast, Calum helps calm me down."

"He seems to have made a very big impact since coming back into your life, this Calum boy." She begins taking notes and I lean back, letting myself relax.

"He has, it's like whenever he's around nothing can go wrong. I can almost let my walls down around him. He just feels like the first snow of the winter season, where everything is pure and new. Like a breath of fresh air." I begin to get flustered.

As soon as she opens her mouth to respond, her alarm goes off to signal that our session is over, triggering both of us to rise from our seats.

"This was a good session, Margo. I'm really proud of how far you've come. Remember to put yourself first, though." Kate smiles, leading me out of the room and I let out a sigh.

"I'm working on that."


"What are you doing for your birthday?" Noelle asks as we sit on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and eating ice cream.

Every year on my birthday that we've known each other, we dress up in our best clothes and binge watch a season of Gilmore Girls. Unless we have a different show or movie we want to watch.

It adds character to the situation rather than just lying around in our pyjamas.

"This." I respond, not taking my eyes off of the screen. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I was just asking becau-" As soon as she begins her explanation, the doorbell rings and she looks at me with wide eyes. "You go get the door and I'll hide the ice cream in case it's Jeff."

I hurriedly walk towards the door, as if I'm some runaway bridesmaid. I pull the door open with a smile as Noelle shuffles around in the living room.

"Hey, I don't know if you're busy, but do you want to come over? I was just wondering since it's your birthday or whatever." Ashton stands in front of me holding a box with a ribbon on top of it and I can't help but smile at the sight.

"I'm actually hanging out with Noelle tonight. I'm really sorry, but we can hangout tomor-"

"No, go out with them. You need to hangout with more people than just me girl. Besides, I'm getting tired anyways. I'm an old woman." Noelle chimes in and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"You were just-"

"Go, I won't say it again. You'll have fun, I promise. You need to be reckless while you can blame it on your age." She pushes me and I look back up at Ashton who has a hopeful look on his face.

"Fine, let me go get dressed in more comfortable attire. I'll be right back." I finally give in, moving out of the way so he can enter the house. "Make yourself comfortable."

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