1.1 - A Losing Game

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The session with Kate really opened my eyes on the whole situation. I just need to have time to myself, hoping to get my feelings sorted out.

Although that may sound easy, I have to ignore Calum.

"We don't have anything else to do today. That gives you time to rest." Abe mumbles, opening my door for me and allowing me to get out.

I mumble a thanks to the driver before Abe closes the door. I suck in a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves as we approach my house, when I hear someone call my name.

"Margo, you're home!" Luke calls out and I mentally curse myself for spending the whole car ride only preparing to ignore Calum. I must've forgotten that I live next to all four of them.

"Yeah, I was actually just going to-" I begin to state the excuse that Kate and I practiced when he interrupts me.

"Do you want to go out with us?" He blurts out, causing me to blink a few times. "I'm so sorry. I meant to say, do you want to hang out with us tonight?"

The question causes my nerves to build up, my fingers finding their way to my leg so I can stab my nails into the skin.

"I'm busy, I'm sorry." I respond too quickly and he furrows his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh, alright." He sighs and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. "Well I'll talk to you later, have a good day."

He gives me a soft smile and I turn to Abe, only to notice he's already in the house.

This might be hard than I expected.


I walk into the kitchen, filling my mug with coffee, when I hear faint yelling coming from the guys' house. I set my mug down and slide my feet into my house shoes, not bothering to grab a jacket as I open the front door.

I peek around the door and notice Calum on the porch with Luke. They seem to be arguing, but before I can turn around, Calum swings at Luke.

I gasp, letting go of the door handle and sprinting over to the scene.

"Hey! What the fuck is going on?!" I scream at them, but they ignore me. Calum tosses Luke to the ground and I run onto their porch, beating on the door. "Hello?! Someone please help!"

I look around, frantically searching for a way to stop them when I spot a scarecrow hanging onto the pillar. I rip it off the pillar and run off the porch towards them.

I begin hitting Calum on the back with the scarecrow as hard as I can, causing him to shift his attention from Luke to me. He turns to me, anger filling his eyes as he looks at me. My heart is pounding in my ears, barely allowing me to hear the front door open.

Mikey runs over to Luke as Ashton runs over to me and Calum. He pulls Calum away from me, allowing me to see Luke lying on the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" I look at Calum as if he's insane. "You almost fucking killed him!"

"Stop being overdramatic." He rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "You weren't even here to know how it started."

"You're joking." I lower my voice, almost laughing at his attitude. "Fine, tell me what was the big magnificent reason for you to beat your band mate senseless."

I cross my arms and stare at Calum, waiting for him to respond. Instead, he pulls away from Ashton and begins walking towards the house. I look around, spotting the scarecrow I just nearly knocked him out with, walking over to grab it.

I pick it up and stomp up behind him, raising the scarecrow in the air, ready to launch it at his head. As soon as I begin to retract my arm, trying to throw it, Ashton grabs me.

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