-[CHPT. 04]-

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"Takeda-san! Takeda-san. we have an emergency." Kiyoko Shimizu, the basketball team manager shouts, hurrying to their coach. "Ah, hello Kiyoko-san, what do you need?"

"Well, so you know we're participating in the inter high tournament this Winter for our prefectures high school basketball league? Well, our first game is in two weeks." she says, and Takeda looks confused. "That's... great? I don't see the problem?"

"Let me expand. Our first game is next week.... Sunday morning."



8:56 A.M, Next Week Sunday Morning, Second Detention.
"Hello, c-can I have everyones attention please?" Kiyoko asked, clearing her throat and standing in the middle of the library. "Sure, anytime Kiyoko-san! What do you need?" Tanaka asked eagerly, Ennoshita looking over and frowning a bit. "Well, I uh, the basketball team has a game next week, Sunday morning, and since we can't make it due to detention, uhm I talked to the principal."

"Ah, thanks Kiyoko-san. What did he say?"

"He'll remove both of our clubs detention... but only if we do something for the school." she finishes, and everyone looks at each other in confusion. "Huh? Like what, a pep rally?" Goshiki asked. "Well, not exactly... he wants us to do a musical, with the theatre clubs guidance."

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT FUCK YEAH!!" Oikawa screams. 


I can't act for shit.

 Iwaizumi thought. How was he supposed to do this? He could just ask for a minor role. Or a tech guy, like the two in the corner talking. Narita and Kinoshita, was it? 

He felt bad for Kinoshita. It was obvious he was trying to flirt with Narita, but he was being a dense idiot. Surveying the room he saw the chocolate-brown haired again, talking excitedly to a few others about the musical.

Overhearing their conversation, Iwaizumi caught the words 'Alexander', 'Angelica' and 'Washington'. The fuck? Were they going to do some sort of boring historical skit shit?


Okay this is shorter than usual but I'll be uploading something else on this in a bit bc I need help-


339 words

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