-[CHPT. 01]-

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"Okay, so someone explain to me why I'm going to be held hostage in Sunday detention when I'm the victim here?!" Yahaba complains.

"You're stuck with us, dumbass." Kenma scoffs. "Hey, you're one to talk! You're the one who accidentally dropped me from the upper backstage anyways!" Rolling his eyes, Kenma replies, "That was on purpose, dipshit."

"H-hey, no fighting guys, it's only our first day in detention!!" Moniwa stammered.

Waving him off, Oikawa said, "No no, that's okay Moni-chan, Suga-chan and I need entertainment anyways."

"That's right bae!" Suga shouts, grinning. "Are we just gonna ignore that Kenma dropped Yahaba-san on purpose??" Akaashi questioned. "Yep," Kenma dead panned.

"I get why Yahaba's here, but why me? I wasn't even there when it all went down!!" Semi says, gesturing at Yahaba, ignoring his glares.

The advisor for the theatre club, Ukai-san, popped in the room. "Because wherever they go, you go. Anyway, make sure you all are ready at seven Sunday morning, I'll pick you guys up for detention. " And with that, the theatre clubs only hope of getting out of hell - sorry, detention- for two months slipped out of the room.

Sighing loudly, Semi slumps dramatically in his chair.

"Oh shut yer trap Semi, at least Yaha-kun didn't LAND on you!!" a very angry Atsumu screams, glaring at Yahaba. "Yeah yeah, whatever."


"I go. For a fucking. Twenty minutes. And you all manage to fucking land the whole club in detention for two months?!" Daichi Sawamura, the Basketball Team's captain, yells angrily. "Sorry Daichi-san! It was an accident, we swear!!" Hinata says. "Yeah, we didn't really mean to knock the vice principals-" Bokuto starts, but Sakusa intervenes. "We are NOT going to talk about that incident again!!" he growls.

Kuroo rolls his eyes. "In all honesty, it was probably all Tanaka's fault." he suggests. "Hey, you don't know that! You weren't there either!" Tanaka shouts. "But yeah it probably was seventy percent me..." he mumbles.

"Seventy percent? More like a hundred percent!" Kyoutani grumbles, stalking away from the group in the opposite direction, but the team follows. "Well, what matters is that we're screwed." Iwaizumi commented. "I still think that-" Goshiki begins, but only to be interrupted by their coach, Takeda-san, running towards them.

"Guys! Change of plans. The school is going to renovate on Saturday, so they're moving your detentions to Sunday's instead."

The team groans in unison. "Can't we just do it after the renovating? I have homework to do on Sunday!" Tanaka comments. "I don't think Minecraft counts as homework, Tanaka." Kuroo teases.

Kiyoko, the team manager, pipes up from behind the group. "Well, it is punishment for a reason. I talked to the vice and convinced him to shorten it, so it'll only be seven thirty to one thirty. Originally it was going to be to two thirty."

"Heh, thanks Kiyoko-san!" Bokuto grins. Kiyoko lightly bows and walks away, Tanaka staring after her.


Okay, so that's it for the first chapter!! Hope you liked it^ ^;

Chapter lengths will vary depending on how I'm feeling- again, I don't have an updating schedule, so don't bother asking--


532 words

Started In Sunday Detention || Pretty Setter SquadWhere stories live. Discover now