How she survived

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Adilade Cruise is the 73 Hunger Games winner.

She is know for her trickery.

She killed off 10/24 tributes because she tricked them into thinking she was scared and pleaded for her life.

She lowered them in. Until they were close enough to STAB


The cannon goes off again.

She continued with her plan until she came across Jonas Blieth.

He is know for how wholesome he is. How he puts everyone before himself. He loves and cares for everything in his path. Everyone, even the capitol love him. He's perfect.

"Adi!" He shouted.

She didn't want to be the one to kill him, she loved him too much. So she walked in the opposite direction. Just to be stopped by a giant hand on her shoulder.

She turned around to face HIM. Jonas Blieth. Her only friend. He was 16 and the tribute everyone bet there money on.

"What?" She asked. "I'm trying not to die" Jonas smile faded a little but came right back. "That's why I'm here. Your to little to be out there on your own." He said with his charming bright smile.

Jonas was tall and had a muscular figure. He would be very intimidating if he wasn't so nice. He's strength is his brain and he knows how to work a trident. His hair was a light brown and he had beautiful green eyes just like Adilade.

Adilade was tiny and lanky. She had dark red hair and emerald green eyes. She only stood at 5'1. But she's still growing. Her strength is knifes and physical fighting. She looks so sweet and innocent until she slices her opponent's head off.

"Stay, we can team up. With my smarts and your games we can win this cmon I gotta set up over here" Jonas said pulling Adilade onto his back carrying her to a hut far away from everything.

The set was next to the edge of the arena. Adilade walked up to it and looked at it funny. She went to touch it but was stopped by a big hand grabbing her wrist.

"Don't touch that" Jonas releasing his grip from Adilade's wrist. "It will kill you"

"What is it?" She asked as Jonas sat down on a log.

"It's were the aren cuts off. So we know no one is coming from behind us so only have to look straight" he said fiddling with he sleeve.

"That's smart" is all she could say. She couldn't believe he was willing to team up with her. Her a small girl who only knows how to trick people. She can fight a little. Only because of how sketchy the people in district 6 are.

Jonas and Adilade are the district 6 tributes for this year. It's quite a coincidence they were both reaped the same year.

That night she didn't sleep. She was scared he was faking and would kill her in her sleep. A guy like him wouldn't survive with someone like her on his side. She was worthless. Nothing to her was good. "Useless. Small. Girl" her mother's words filled her head.

She was getting overwhelmed with all off these negative thoughts of her self moving threw her brain. Her hand started shaking uncontrollably. She jumped up to hope it would stop but it didn't.

She smacked her hand off the one tree a few times but it shook faster. She was terrified nothing like this happened. The more nervous she got the more it would shake. When she calmed down a little it would slow down.

She was breathing heavy and freaking out. Her other arm lost control now too and she couldn't do anything. She didn't want to wake Jonas so she sat there silently crying.

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