A little help

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Katniss grabbed her arrow and shot Gloss in the chest right after he sliced Wiris's throat causing them both to fall into the water.

Adilade ran towards Cashmere while the others either helped Beetee or fought Brutus.

Adilade swung her fist at her missing. Cashmere punched her in the gut making Adilade fall to the floor.

Cashmere ran up and tried to stab her but Adilade rolled and tripped Cashmere. She face planted and Adilade ran and jumped on her back.

Cashmere flung her off and Adilades knife slipped out of her hand and she banged her head off of a tree.

She felt as the pain stormed around her head and she started to get dizzy.

Cashmere picked up the knife and ran towards Adilade. She got on top of her holding the knife to her throat.

"Oh look. How the tables turn. You could've killed me but now I'm killing you!" She laughed. "I told Enobaria I would get revenge for her now I get to be taken out of the arena! Oh you poor little girl from six!" She was about to finish but she turned pale and her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell over onto her side.

Adilade sat up and crawled back looking at Cashmere's dead body. She then looked up and saw and angry Finnick with scratches all over his face.

Adilade jumped up and hugged him thanking him over and over. She pulled away and looked at his face. "Let's get fixed up and let's sit with the others." Adilade wispered pulling Finnick over to the others.

They were all sitting in a circle with relief that they killed off the Careers. They hover crafts already came took the remaining careers bodies. Finnick's head was in Adilade's lap as she was putting the cream on all of his cuts so they'd be gone by morning.

He kept wincing at her touch make her laugh.
"Finnick!" She laughed. "Stop moving your head I'm trying to help you!" She laughed even more.

"Woah. I've never heard you laugh before" Johana said with a smile sharpening her axe.

"That's because I don't do it a lot." Adilade answered focusing on Finnicks face.

"Your a kid you should laugh all of the time. I know I used to" Peeta chuckled a bit.

"Yeah well most children haven't been in the hunger games. Twice" she answered.

All of there faces went straight and Peeta went pale.

"Guys" she said between laughs "it's fine. It's life. I've lived with it. You don't have to feel like your scaring me because you bring up the hunger games. We are mid hunger games right now!" She laughed making all of them look at her sideways.

"Anyway. I have a plan to eliminate the other tributes" Beetee said making them all look at him. "Apparently there's more than Chaff and Seeder. There's two from 10, and one from 7 and 5."

"Dang it" Adilade said under breath. "Well what's the plan." She asked loooking at Beetee playing with Finnick's hair.

"Why isn't anyone on the beach other then us?"
He asked

"Because we are here. We claimed it." Johana answered.

"And if we left?"

"They would be here because that jungle is a nightmare" Katniss stated.

"Exactly. Now my plan. Tonight at 12 o'clock when that tree gets struck we will have this wire tied around it. We will run the wire to the beach and anyone on, or in the tree line will shocked to death."

"How do we know the wire won't burn up?" Johana asked.

"Because I invented it. I assure you it won't burn up." He answered.

"BEETEE! YOUR A GENIUS!" Katniss said hugging him. He laughed a little and picked up the wire.

"Alrighty. That looks good. Now we need to run this threw the area. Johana and Katniss why don't you go and Finnick and Peeta stay here and protect" Beetee suggested.

Adilade threw her arms in the air and sat down a rock. "Sure, sure that's fine I'll just sit here and not do anything!" She said sarcastically.

"Nope I need you to chase them here at the right time so they get blew up." Beetee answered not even turning around to look at her.


"Why don't me and Katniss go together Johana and Finnick would be good watch" Peeta asked.

"Shove off Peeta she's coming and your staying. Let's go." Johana answered grabbing the metal wire and walking into the woods grabbing Katniss's hand.

Katniss kissed Peeta before they left. Finnick put his hands over Adilades eyes by she peeled them apart anyway and smiled. She knew the "act" wasn't an act anymore. They loved each other.

"Ok Adi. It's your time to shine. Go find the tributes by screaming in what seems like pain. When they get to you, scream jump and run towards the beach. Scream 'Fire Work' so we know your coming. Get far ahead so they don't see you climb the tree. They'll you went to the beach then be shocked. What ever you do, don't step on the sand. ok?" Finnick asked. Adilade nodded and looked up at Finnick.

"Thank you" She said and pulled him into a hug. "For everything. For trying to keep me safe." Finnick smiled and hugged her back. "Anything for the Blade" he said kissing the top of her head. "Now go get 'em!" Finnick cheered slightly pushing her forward.

Adilade waved to Beetee and Peeta and walked in the deep woods.

"ADILADE!" Finnick screamed before she started into the woods. "Here" he gave her a small jar of blood? "Now it'll look real" he smiled and patted her shoulders. "Now, go get 'em"

Adilade luaghed and walked the whole way this time, into the deep woods.

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