Hang tight

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Adilade opened her eyes and started breathing heavy. She turned her head and saw Beetee on her right and Katniss on her left, laying beside her still unconscious. She looked at her hand and it was wrapped up.

She looked around for Finnick and didn't see him. Did he die. Did some one get him! Did Johana kill him! Where is he! And where is she?

She started to freak out. Her arms started shaking and she was hyper ventilating. She was looking around for him and couldn't find him.

She tried to talk but nothing would come out. She kept trying to say his name but she wasn't able to talk. Her breath was going in out of her body to quick she couldn't talk.

If this wasn't bad enough, her arms started to shake. She was having a silent panic attack. She was still sitting on the floor and her vision started getting blurry because her eyes were full of tears.

She stood up and tried to walk around. She kept stumbling and running into the sides of the ship.

"Finnick. Finnick" she kept whispering under her breath not being able to make it any louder.

Haymitch, Plutarch, and Finnick were all talking about district 13. They we're heading there to keep Katniss safe. Haymitch was only able to rescue Finnick, Katniss, Beetee, and Adilade. The others are still in the arena.

"But how-" Finnick asked getting cut off by loud smash in the other room. Finnick looked at the two and pushed past them.

He opened the door and saw Adilade having a panicked attack whispering his name under her breath.

"ADILADE!" He screamed quietly so he wouldn't wake the other.

"Finnick, Finnick" she hyperventilated.

He grabbed her arms and looked her in the eyes. "Adilade calm down. I'm here. I'm here."

She jumped into his arms hugging him tightly calming down a bit. She burst out crying into his shoulder.

"I- I thought. You. Dead." She cried.

"It's ok. I'm not. I'm breathing just fine. Now match your breath with mine. Calm down"
Finnick said trying to calm her down.

She did as he said. She matched her breath to his and she calmed down quickly.

Finnick took her into the room with Haymitch and Plutarch. She didn't leave his side. He didn't mind her enjoyed the company. It took his mind off of how much he missed Annie.

Adilade spaced out the whole time thinking about where the others were other than Beetee and Katniss.

Adilade was snapped out of her thoughts when Katniss walked in. She started screaming then attacked Haymitch.

Adilade turned her head into Finnicks stomach. He covered her one ear knowing she didn't like loud noises. Especially screaming.

It reminded Adilade of her mother.

"ADILADE!" She screamed as she walked into the house drunk.

Min walked up to her trying to distract her while Darren tried to sneak her out.


She heard a loud smack. Adilade looked at Min laying on the floor holding his cheek. Darren grabbed Adilade trying to pull her out but their mom got her first.

She threw Adilade into the wall. She fell to the ground and held her head. Her mom screamed at her and hit her over and over again. Screaming.

Adilade took her hands and gripped Finnicks. She dug her head farther into his stomach until the screaming stopped.

When it stoped she opened her eyes and saw Katniss laying on the floor unconscious.

"What did you do!" Adilade screamed storming towards Plutarch. Haymitch grabbed her. "We did what we had too"

Plutarch raised the needle towards Adilade and she flinched. Plutarch felt bad for her and lowered his arm.

Finnick grabbed Adilade out of Haymitchs grip giving him a look. Adilade wrapped her arms around Finnick as they walked backwards to where they were standing before.

Adilade started to get tried. So she walked to a bench that was in the same room. She sat down and fell asleep.

Finnick walked over to her and sat down beside her. He picked up her head and placed it on his lap. He stroked her hair as she peacefully slept.

As the plane landed in 13 he picked up Adilade and took her into her new room in 13.

He sat beside her as she slept for 3 hours. He didn't want to leave her side. Her arms started shaking. Haymitch went over to wake her up but Finnick stopped him.

"Don't. Wake her. She hasn't slept in days other than being knocked unconscious. Leave her go. I got this."

He strapped her hands down so they wouldn't shake again. He cared for her. A lot.

He sat beside her as she slept. He held her hand and thought about everything. How he was lucky enough to get him and Adilade out safely, if he'll ever see Annie again, what will happen in the future for him. Is it good or bad?

Life is just lovely

Lovely AdiladeWhere stories live. Discover now