TV time

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A few hours before.

"Katniss. 13 is alive and well and so am I"
Cressida kept saying over and over. Katniss wasn't functioning. Peeta was the only thing one her mind.


"Leave her go" Haymitch walked up and hugged her. He then took her inside to recuperate.

"We need something." Cressida said.

"Finnick had a good story. He could talk about himself. Everyone loves him they'll listen" Gale said.

"Go get him"

They brought Finnick out and recorded him. He talked about President Snow, what happened after he won, him and Annie, the quarter quell, Adilade.

"The other half of my life is Adilade." He smiled. "You all know her as the little girl who killed Jonas Blieth. She's not the bad guy. He died for her. It's not her fault and no one should be mad at her. She knows how I feel. She was forced into the games at a young age. Snow ruined us both. And now we were put together. She's my family and I love her. She always helps me when I'm sad. She now how to help everyone. She's not the bad guy, she actually saved my life. The amount of craziness the capitol put on me would've killed me. But she went out of her way to help me. I love her. More than anyone else does." He smiled.

He finished and looked at everyone.

"Keep going" Cressida told him.

"I don't have anything else to say." Finnick whispered.

"Well someone needs to fill the air." She said turning around to the team.

"Adilade." Finnick whispered.

"Get adilade. She has a great story. Let Panem know what their president did to a kid." Finnick answered.

"I'll go grab her." Cressida said walking out.

Adilade was helping the crew threw the mission and Cressida took her outside to everyone.

Finnick ran up to her and bent down to her level. "ok go tell the camera about your life just like I did. Let them know how cruel their president really is" He said.

"You want me to tell my story? I'm going to cry! In front of everyone in Panem! No way" she answered.

"Its not like they've never seen you sry before. you were in the hunger games, twice" Finnick said looking down at her.

"Your not wrong" She said looking up at him. "I'll do it"

The team put her in the spot and she looked at the camera, "were live" Cressida whispered

"ok" she looked down, "Hello, I'm Adilade Cruise, im 14 now. Not twelve anymore" she laughed a bit. "and as you know I won the games a few years back and recently competed in the quarter quell.

I was told to tell you guys my story. Grab some popcorn, its a long one.

When I was 4, my dad tried out the new model car for the capitol. It wasn't ready yet and I burst into flames. At 4 years old, I watched my own father burn to death. His death traumatized my mom. She would hit me and my three brothers. Once she put my hands on the running stove top and the bottom of my hands were burnt for a while. This lasted two years until I was taken into the community home.

This is where I met. Jonas Blithe. he did volunteer hours and hung out wit me because he thought I was the coolest out of all the kids. I was there for six years. Dreading Sundays because those were the only days Jonas didn't come in. All of the kids would make fun go my hair color, my freckles, and the burn marks on my hands. They would always burn my clothes so I only had one outfit I would wear on a daily. But Jonas would come back Mondays and it was like it never happened.

I was reaped my first year along side the only person I knew. Jonas. Life was amazing until we were thrown into the arena forced to kill each other. I didn't want to team with Jonas, only because I wanted to win. and to do that he would have to die. He convinced me to work with him and I did. He killed him self so I could win and every single one of you watching blamed me.

It wasn't my fault he jumped off the cornucopia! It wasn't my fault he had the heart to do that! it wasn't my fault he loved me! You all rioted on a 12 year old girl who just lived the most traumatic experience any one could ever experience! I was thrown into a cell in the capitol being tortured every day of my life!" She was crying now. All of the viewers in the capitol and Districts stood there shocked, and the story wasn't done yet.

"They new my biggest fear was fire so they would put me in this dark room and put hot rocks on my bare skin and surround me with fire! It was terrifying! I couldn't do anything! I was also starved. I still have the scares from the rocks, and guess who was responsible for this! President Snow! He made me watch Jonas's death over and over again! He made life a living nightmare! I'm a kid! All I did was go to the games and kill people! I hated life! I wanted to die! I was only alive for 12 years! You people are sick if you support a man like Snow! I know you all want to survive but he won't keep you safe! He plans to kill you off one, by one. Your not safe. No one is." She cried then she looked directly into the camera.

"Your going against the Mockingjay. And if we burn, you'll burn with us. Im the blade, and if you mess with us, Your going to get cut. Don't believe me? Look at the Careers." She said walking away from the camera. She ran inside and avoiding everyone.

Everyone in District 6 watched as Adilade ran away from the camera. Everyone looked around at each other. They went to Adilade's old house and set it on fire. They knew no one lived there and wanted to destroy anything left that belonged to Charlotte Cruise, the cruel woman who hurt their lovely Adilade.

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