{36} Camping Part 4

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Haruhi's P.O.V.
I get back to the camp site with groceries. The host club is there and everyone is eating. I put the grocery bags down by a tree.

“Hey guys,” I wave. “I'm back.”

“You were gone?” Tsukia asks.

“I forgot you were on the trip...” Haruka looks away awkwardly.

“Wow,” I say sarcastically. “Thanks, you guys.”

“No problem!” Hiro smiles.

“B-brother?! When did you get here?!” Tsukia yells.

Hiro sighs. “I guess me and Haruhi are both being forgotten.”

“I would never forget my precious daughter! But you...” Tamaki looks at Hiro. “You, I can forget.”

Hiro glares at Tamaki, “Sorry, who are you again?”

“Well, I for one can forget about Tamaki.” Haruka stretches back on the picnic bench everyone was sitting on.

“You and me same, brother. You and me same.” Tsukia exhales.

“Mommy,” Tamaki whines. “Make those rotten twins stop!”

“What did we do?!” Hikaru and Kaoru ask together.

“Not you! Tsukia and Haruka!” Tamaki points at Tsukia and Haruka.

“What? Us?” Tsukia asks innocently, holding a plastic halo over her head.

“Yes you!”

“But what did we do? We are the kindest souls you ever will meet.” Haruka smirks.

“Yes, we deserve a Nobel Peace Prize!” Tsukia claps her hands.

“We should rule the world!” Haruka cheers.

“And me too! Right?” Hiro wraps his arms around his siblings with an open mouthed grin.

“Don't you just pity this sad soul, Haru?” Tsukia looked sadly at Haruka.

“Yes,” Haruka frowns. “It is so sad it makes onions cry.”

“Such lameness!” Tsukia laughs.

Haruka laughs as well, “How pitiful!”

“Hey! I'm right here you know!” Hiro shouts.

“Well anyways,” I interrupt. “What do you guys want to do after we eat?”

“Let's eat cake!” Honey says with a mouth full of cake.

“Honey-senpai... You're already doing that.” I laugh slightly.

“Oh! Right!”

“Let's play a game!” Hikaru says.

“The Which One Is H—” Hikaru and Kaoru start in sync but are interrupted by Tsukia.


“What about Truth or Dare?” Yuki suggests.

Rin nods, “That could be interesting.”

“Yes! Yes, fun!” Tsukia cheers. “Unlike the Which One Is Hikaru game...”

“Hey!” Hikaru and Kaoru complain.

“Who cares?! Let's just play Truth or Dare, you two!” Haruka says.

After everyone is done eating, we all sit down around the empty fire pit.

“Okay,” Hiro clasps his hands together. “Who wants to go first...?”

Comment questions and dares you want to be in part 5! You can suggest as many as you want! As soon as there are enough suggestions, I'll start the next chapter!


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