17. Hatching A Flan

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Tsuna's POV

I approach Tamaki with the biggest smile I can muster. When he sees me, he smiles back, so I begin to speak, “It turns out that Hikaru and I had a few errands we needed to do today. I completely forgot about them up until now. Is it fine if we quickly do them and then meet back up with you after?”

“Oh,” his smile drops. “Are they urgent?”

“Decently urgent.”

“Well, then, of course! Try not to take too long though!”

“Okay! Thanks!” I nod my head and rush back to Hikaru.

“So where are we going?” Hikaru asks me.

“Hm... I could really go for some sweets. Maybe we should just buy some from a store and come back?”

“I thought we were going to a restaurant.”

“That was the original idea but I told Tamaki that we wouldn't take too long.”

Hikaru squints his eyes at me for a moment, “You mentioned food and now I'm hungry. I want to take my time to eat.”

“Okay, okay. Just give me a second to think of a compromise.” I put my fingers to my temples in concentration until I think of something. “Ah! I know just the thing! There's this cute little shop called Pâtisserie Française Quatre. It's only ten minutes away from here. Let's buy some sweets from there and eat them in the park. You can take as long as you want to eat and then we'll just drive back here.”

“Alright, sounds good. The food better taste amazing though!” he says as he starts walking ahead of me.

I jog to catch up to him, “Don't worry. You'll love it.”

We head out of the mall. Hikaru talks on the phone with his chauffeur, asking him to meet us at the front entrance while we walk there. Once we're outside, we climb in the car. I tell the driver the name of the shop and we're on our way.

• • •

“This is the shop?” Hikaru purses his lips in thought.

“Yes, it's so small and humble, isn't it?” I smile.

“That's one way of putting it. Anyway, let's buy the food. What are you getting?”

“I was thinking we could both share the flan. It's really good here and comes in a carton of eggs!”

 It's really good here and comes in a carton of eggs!”

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“If you say it's good, I'll believe you.”

“Brilliant,” I say before turning to the employee behind the counter. “Excuse me, we'd like a large carton of flan, please.”

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