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(This was originally a joke)

Third person P.O.V.
Everyone runs after Tsukia as she rushes across a busy street.

“Tsukia get back here! You might get hit!” Haruka calls out desperately.

“No! I have to save Sir No-Whiskers!” Tsukia reaches for the whiskerless kitten.

Tsukia grabs the Siamese cat and—


A car hits her. Tsukia goes flying into the air and land on the ground like a tossed ragdoll; limbs sprawled out, head tucked under her body. Not a very comfortable position.

“Tsukia!” Hiro cries as he and the others rush to her aid.

“I'll call the paramedics!” Haruhi grabs her phone.

“No! That won't be fast enough! Kyōya! Can you call your family's hospital?” Kaoru yells.

“Of course,” he replies calmly, but his eyes shows that he in fact was not calm.

As if by magic, a group of paramedics appear in an ambulance. They put Tsukia on a stretcher, the kitten still in her grasp, and lull her into the ambulance. Haruka is about to go inside but is stopped by a paramedic, “There isn't enough room. You'll have to come in a separate vehicle.”

“But that's my sister! My twin sister! I have to be with her!” Haruka sobs.

“Haruka... The longer you stall them, the less chance Tsu-tsu has at surviving.” Hiro pulls Haruka away from the ambulance.

Haruka bawls his eyes out as the ambulance drives off.

• • •

Haruka paces back and forth along the hallway.

“Haruka, stop pacing. She's going to be fine.” Hiro sounds exasperated but you can see the worry lines creeping up his face.

“Promise,” Haruka stares coldly into Hiro's eyes.

Hiro hesitates, “I promise.”

• • •

“We're sorry to say this but... Tsukia won't live much longer. She's barely even conscience on life support,” a nurse tells everyone.

Silence. No one can speak. They don't know what to say. They shuffle quietly into the room. The nurse leaves them alone.

“Tsukia... I just want you to know that I love you and I always will. You are my sister and always will be. Even though we only met recently, I will still miss you.” Haruka feels his voice crack.

“You're the best sister anyone could have and—” Now Haruka was full-on sobbing.

Haruka feels a familiar hand wipe the tears off of his cheek.

“Don't cry, Haru.” Tsukia smiles at him sadly.

Haruka can't take it anymore. He wraps his arms around Tsukia, careful of all of the tubes and wires. Tsukia hugs him back. And one by one, everyone else joins the hug.

A long electronic noise can be heard throughout the room.

That sorrowful ring interrupts the embrace. Everyone looks at the heart monitor. A long straight line appears across it.

Everyone starts to cry. Even Mori and Kyōya wipe their eyes.

“You liar! You said everything would be fine!” Haruka points accusingly at Hiro.

Hiro is speechless. He just looks down in shame. Then, everyone hears a pur. The kitten Tsukia had saved comes out from behind the bed.


“After all of this... YOU GET TO SURVIVE?! WHAT ABOUT TSUKIA?!” Haruka yells at the kitten.

“You are aware that you're yelling at a cat, right?” Kyōya asks.

“Meow!” the kitten says happily, and it pads away.

The End.

I hoped you enjoyed~

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