Hole in the Sky

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It had been a few days since the Voltron paladins had encountered Prince Lotor. They wondered why they haven't heard of him before. All of the paladins were in their seats when a weird red signal appeared on the screen.

"What's going on?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, these have never gone off before." Pidge added.

"Allura, what is it?" Lance asked when he noticed Allura who looked shocked.

"What does this mean, Allura?" Shiro asked.

"Looks like you guys just saw a ghost." Hunk commented.

"That's just the thing," Coran kept staring at the screen in front of them. "It's an old Altean distress code. One used by King Alfor's ships."

"Could it be?" Allura questioned as she held her hands together against her chest. "Are we not the last Alteans alive?"

"Wait," Keith interrupted. "What if someone's cloning the signal to try and lure us in?"

"I think we should go. It might be possible that there are more Alteans around." Shiro said.

"The signal is from an Altean ship and we're going to find it." Allura ordered as she put her hands on the podiums and summoned a wormhole to where the signal was coming from.


When they reached their destination, there was a bunch of debris around a giant yellow circle which had part of a ship sticking out of it.

"That looks like a Tel-Galax exploration shuttle," Allura stated. "One of my father's deep space vessels."

"According to the ship's identification code," Coran said as he was typing at the control panel, "It's Commodore Trayling's ship. But I don't see any records of its destination or mission."

"What happened to it?" Lance asked.

"Is it stuck in a wormhole?" Hunk questioned.

"That doesn't look like a wormhole." Shiro commented.

"Indeed. That's unlike any wormhole I've ever seen." Coran added.

"There's a massive amount of energy emanating from it, centered right where the ship is stuck." Pidge explained.

"We have to see if anyone is on aboard. They may need our help." Allura said.

"We could send a probe over it. See if we can get some kind of idea what that thing is?" Pidge offered.

"Do it, Pidge." Shiro ordered. Then the blue probe was sent out to the wormhole.

"The energy shows no signs of radioactive decay and it's not thermal." Pidge explained.

"It's not gravitational our probe is steady on course, and the light is radiating out, not in, like it would in a black hole." Hunk added.

"But out from where?" Pidge asked.

"That energy signature, I know it." Coran concluded. "It's radiating quintessence!"

Pidge tried to drive the probe through the wormhole, only to explode into pieces.

"Ooh! That's weird." Hunk said.

"Okay, well let's not go anywhere near there." Lance suggested.

"We must." Allura decided.

"Hold on. Didn't you just see what happened?" Hunk mentioned.

"Voltron's compositional strength far exceeds anything else in this universe. We received an Altean distress call, which must mean that someone is alive on the ship. As Paladins of Voltron, it is our duty to help." Allura explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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